Friday, March 25, 2011

CLD #221

Thank G-d for Shabat Kodesh! MENUCHA :D!
This Shabat we read Parashat Shmini and because it is the Shabat after Purim, we read Parashat Parah as the Shmini Aliyah and a special Haftarah, which makes this Shabat named Shabat Parah.

What can we learn? We can always learn :D.

For the past Two weeks the world, and most importantly Am Yisrael has experienced tragedy after tragedy. From the Itamar Slaughtering Massacre of 5 Neshamot, 5 worlds, to the Terror attack by Amalek in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh that took a Neshama of a Tzadeket at the age of 59 at a bus stop and wounded more than 30 yehudim. I have tried to prevent from writing about these incidents but people keep on bringing it up.
Sure it is so easy to say being thousands of miles away, but its the truth: Hashem is The Ruler, Hashem was The Ruler, Hashem will always be The Ruler.

What does the world see? Hashem rules. Hashem is the one in control. PERIOD. We are not in control and we are definitely not in the center of the world. Hashem might have caused this entire disaster (from Japan to Itamar - I don't want to put up any pics - to yerushalayim) just for us to open our eyes and see and feel Hashem. In many shiurim and books, Rabbanim explain that someitmes the only way to wake someone up from doing actions against the Torah and Hashem is through punishment, or Isurim. The fact that Am Yisrael is going through so much (Mashiach anyone? Duh.) is just more and more signs that WE NEED TO DO TSHUVA AND WAKE UP!

b"H we will have the zchut to see and understand and WANT to understand that EVERYTHING IS FROM HASHEM, and He LOVES us! Just like we see Aharon the Cohen be absolutely silent when his OWN @ SONS DIED in front of his eyes by doing what HASHEM WANTS (ultimately), so too we will have the bracha and koach from shamayim to understand everything is EMUNAH AND HASHEM!


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