Saturday, February 12, 2011

CLD #181

Opportunity Cost - (Investopedia) "The cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action."

How does this relate to our spiritual/religious lives at all? When someone who does not know the erech or value of Shabat Kodesh, he thinks that Shabat is a HUGE opportunity cost. When who does know the erech of Shabat, or not even Shabat Kodesh; the simple things of our lives: Kosher food, Tzniyut, Not going clubbing, Tzitzit, Waking up early for Tefillin (minyan), etc., ALL THESE THINGS HAVE SO MUCH SACRIFICE IF YOU DECIDE TO DO THEM>!


To a true eved Hashem, these things are all the crucial major things in his/her life. The opportunity cost of being a true Yehudi for this tzadik is nonexistent! The only 'opportunity cost' or if you want to call it that, is true happiness and real satisfaction! To someone who never really truly learned and experienced a Shabat KODESH, not a dry (sorry for the term, but its true, at least for me) 'modern orthodox' Shabat, turning on the light does not mean anything.

B"H we'll all see that the real opportunity costs that we all need to worry about (like losing millions of dollars), is when does NOT follow the Torah and the way of Hashem Elokeinu!

SHAVUA TOV>>>may well all have the koach to win our yetzer hara!


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