Monday, February 28, 2011

CLD #196

We do not stop learning and simply stepping up to get closer to Hashem through texts written with Ruach HaKodesh, with one being Megillat Ester (<19 days till PURIM b'H>)!
The first thing we learn from Perek Aleph Pasuk Dalet is the difference between a Goy and a real Yehudi. Besides the fact that we need to spearate ourselves (to an extent obviously there is a line) from the Goyim (in regards to personal and most social events), we also need to learn that our behaviors are different. We see here in Megillat Ester, that a Jew needs to be modest and ultimately does NOT need to go out of his/her way to impress people. The pasuk states: "For many days, one hundred and eighty days, he displayed the glorious wealth of his kingdom and the splendorous beauty of his majesty."( Achashverosh not only went out of his way, but for 180 DAYS, one hundred and eighty days, six months, 24 weeks straight held an "info-session" of his wealth to show off hsi strength since he acquired the kingdom alone. The only infinite being that has the power (who am I to even say so) to say anything is Hashem, our Father in Shamayim AND Hashem does not even do that! We do not see Hashem being arrogant or haughty in the Torah explaining His own power, rather we learn His ever existing greatness and strength from Bnei Yisrael at Kriyat Yam Suf, Moshe Rabbeinu throughout the Torah, David Hamelech in Tehillim, the Ramchal in his books filled with wisdom, etc. We are hear to emulate Hashem. All the respect that we receive is because we attempt to follow Him and his Torah HaKdosha. We do not follow the history of the leaders of the world, one being "Oto Rasha," Achashverosh.
Money is NOT the goal in our lives.
We are here to build our Olam Haba, brick by brick, nisayon by nisayon, day by day.
B'H we should all have a Shavua Tov.

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Anonymous Writes...

                        YOU ARE NOT GIVING UP ANYTHING!
I found with myself that when it came time to make a decision  to start keeping Halacha, Torah and to work on being a real eved hashem I struggled with the idea that I was giving up a life full of freedom and fun in order to join a lifestyle that is full of servitude, restrictions and obedience. But I was completely wrong!
        In order for me to first see that I wasn’t giving up anything I had to first look at what I was giving up. I was giving up parties, girls, eating what I wanted to eat, shabbos I definitely wasn’t keeping, drugs, and just a do whatever I wanted when I wanted type of lifestyle. I thought it was amazing constantly having all these pleasures when I wanted! When I wanted to get high all i had to do was call up my dealer, and when I wanted to get with a girl all i had to do was call one up, and whenever i was hungry all i had to do was get in my car and order the 5,5,5 deal from dominoes. I sure as heck had a great time doing whatever it was i was doing.
            After a while i began to question what it was i was actually doing, because nothing ever was fulfilling. Ya getting high is awesome but then you have to deal with being burnt out, so in those cases i would just get high again. And girls ya it was fun but a few hours later i would want to have fun again, so I'd have to call another one. Parties are great but everyone knows once it’s over everyone talks about all the fun things that happened there for a few days and then hope another one is coming around the bend soon. I remember even the conversations i was having with my friends got boring all we would talk about is sports, girls, drugs and stupid things that were going on there was no substance to the conversations at all.
So why was it that after i got high i needed to get high again, after being with a girl i needed another one, and after every party we always want another one? It is because the pleasures are really pleasures its just that they don’t last forever. These pleasures are very limited and after they leave you feel empty inside. Take a moment to think about all the pleasures that you have and enjoy doing (how many of them last for more then a few hours, the longest maybe being a few days but not more then that).
When one takes upon himself a lifestyle of meaning to be an eved hashem you will of course have a life that is full of meaning and substance! Hashem put us in this world in order to get pleasure, that’s why everywhere you look you are surrounded with  hundreds of different types of pleasures you can choose for yourself. But there is only one type of pleasure that will be constant, that will be infinite, and the only way to get that infinite amount of pleasure is to go directly to the one who creates that pleasure and that is Hashem himself. Ramchal in the opening of Messilat Yesharim tells us that hashem created us to receive pleasure, but Ramchal adds that the only pleasure that is worth going after of Hashem himself. It is because hashem is the only one who can give us that infinite pleasure because hashem is the only one in existence that is infinite. And the only way to get close to Hashem is by being like him. If you look at all the people you have relationships with it is because you share something in common with them. (Yes hate is considered a relationship, and you’ll tell me you hate this person, well in order to hate that person you have to have something in common in order to have hated them. ex- same school work place, took the same train......) Regardless of the type of relationship you have with that person you share something in common. It is the same thing with hashem in order to have a relationship with hashem you have to have things in common, and the only way to have that relationship with hashem is to follow his torah and halachot.
Why is it though that we want that connection but we fail to get it? (one is because of klippahs-deep kabbalistic idea, we’ll talk about another time). But we will use the basic idea which is not basic at all but we will talk about the Yetzer Harah.
Rav Avigdor Miller discusses Kayin (parshas Berieshis, one of Adam Harishon sons... (kain and Abel.... Kayin kills Hevel because Hevels korban was taken and not his.) So after Kayin saw his korban was not taken he was in a crisis. He was crestfallen and depressed because his korban was not accepted while his brother Hevel’s was. So Hashem told Kayin “Lapesach chatas rovetz” (chatas crouches in ambush at the entrance)- know that there is such thing as a yetzer harah, and it is trying to get a hold of you. Be forewarned and do not succumb to it.
The Yetzer harah has many names, Shlomo Hamelech schuto yagel aleinu called it a sonei (hater), others call it Ra(bad). The Gemara uses a number of names to identify it. But here Hakadosh baruch hu calls it chatas. What does Chatas mean? Chatas means to lose out, to miss. Therefor it refers not so much to the wrong things you did but to the right things you failed to do! Hakadosh Baruch Hu is telling us that the greatest peril of the Yetzer hara is not in what he can cause you to do, but what he can cause a person to FAIL to do!
I think there is a very powerful mashal (parable) that will exemplify this point Rav Avigdor Miller is making here. There was once a man named Reuven and he had a wife and beautiful children.But they were poor so very poor. And every day he’d come home from his odd jobs that he’d do here and there and he barely brought home money. His wife would constantly complain to him that the children were starving and they were wearing old torn clothing it was such a sad scene so very sad. And one day Reuven heard of this island that was so very far away but everything in that island was made of diamonds. But i was a very far journey and he’d have to be away for a very long time so he pushed it off for as long as he could hoping to get a real job. But after sometime the situation that one though couldnt get any worse got worse. So he saved up whatever money he could built himself a small boat and sailed off to the island. After a long journey he arrived got out of his small boat and saw that the sand on the beach was in fact real diamonds so he emptied out his suitcase and started stuffing his suitcase and pockets with diamonds. He was already to go home but he was hungry and tired and he had a long trip back so he decided to go to the inn and rent a room for a quick nap and he will then sail back on home. But when it came time to pay for his room he paid with diamonds and the concierge there began to laugh, he asked why are you laughing i am paying you with diamonds there are worth thousands of dollars,she answered him and said here on this island diamonds are worth nothing here. So reuven asked what is of value so i can pay you, and she responded chicken fats. So reuven began to work hard dealing chicken fats because he wanted to come home a rich man and he worked so hard that he became the biggest chicken fat dealer in the island. He bought himself a yacht and packed the boats with all the chicken fats and the whole island came to send him off making a huge parade. After a long journey back his wife and children were so excited they saw this huge boat and were excited for a life full of riches. And reuven gets off the boat with all his chicken fats and his wife looks at him and say Reuven what is all this? and he said chicken fats honey you have nothing to worry about we are set for life. And she told Reuven you fool these chicken fats are worth nothing here, you went for diamonds and you forgot to bring them. Reuven was full of remorse and regret but then he remember he still had some diamonds in his old pants pockets the one he came to the island in. and they were able to live a modest comfortable life.
We were placed on this earth to collect diamonds but on this island that we live on diamonds are worth nothing here its all about the car you drive the house you live in the job that you have, how much fun and pleasure that guy is having. that we forget about the diamonds we came here to collect.
The diamonds we came to collect are all around us its in the torah in the mitzvot all we have to do is look around work a little hard and pick them up.
    Every single living thing in this world shares something in common and that is death. We will all eventually die after 120 yrs. When we reach shamayim every single thing we did in our life time will be accounted for. You should constantly ask yourself am i doing the right thing. Am i picking up diamonds or am i picking up chicken fat!  

Any questions or comments or to simply speak, email me at

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Big Zechut for theCLD readers!

"The Children's Torah Scroll is special because, unlike in other Torah scrolls where many Jewish men and women join to create the Torah, this Torah is written exclusively for children. This Torah Scroll is currently being written in the Holy City of Jerusalem for the purpose of uniting the Jewish people. Each letter in this scroll is owned by a different Jewish boy or girl; together all these letters will form a single Torah, just like millions of individual Jews together form the Jewish people".

Check it out>>>

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1. Whoever is an Evel [in 12 months of mourning after death of Mother/Father L'A] or even in the first 30 days of mourning [from close relatives] is allowed to real Kriyat HaMegillah for the entire minyan and can say all the Brachot before and after including Shehecheyanu. It is proper and okay for a Shaliach Tzibbur/Chazan who is in evel to say Birkat Shehecheyanu before Kriyat HaMegillah and there isn't a better reader to replace him, even though it is supposed to be said with Simcha. When an Evel reads the Megillah for himself or in his home to fulfill the Kriya for other people can for some say Birkat Shehecheyanu with the other Brachot for the Kriyat HaMegillah.

2. The Megillah should be read while standing, to respect the minyan. In a time where its difficult for the Ba'al Koreh (the Megillah Reader) to stand if he is old, sick, handicap, etc., he can lean on something. The decision for the entire minyan to stand or sit when saying the brachot is based on the custom of the shul/rabbi/present place. Whoever has a Kosher Megillah and is standing next to the Ba'al Koreh and reads along with him can say the brachot also in a whisper BUT if the Kosher Megillah is not in his hands, it is better for him to simply have the inention of fulfilling the obligation of the Brachot of the Kriya from the Ba'al Koreh. Its good for two people to stand on the right and left of the Ba'al Koreh when he says Birshut Morai Verabotai. As stated before, the Ba'al Koreh should have the intention to fulfill the obligation of the Kriya for the minyan and the minyan should have the intention that the Ba'al Koreh is reading for them. 

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Sunday, February 27, 2011



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CLD #195

From my Chavruta Eliyahu from Yeshivat Shuva Yisrael (NYC, NY):
In Megillat Ester Perek Aleph pasuk Gimel, Achashverosh invites all the neighboring countries' leaders to his kingdom, as it says in the pasuk, "In the third year of his reign, he made a feast for all his ministers and servants; the army of Persia and Media, the nobles and all the ministers of the provinces in his service. (" So Eliyahu brings an amazing chiddush regarding this pasuk. Eliyahu told me: look at the pasuk, look how smart Achashverosh HaRasha was. He literally placed his own ministers and servants, maids, butlers, and the lowest of the low in his kingdom before the army of Persia and the highest nobles and ministers of his provinces. In all his glory he was a true nasty ruler. With this information, we see Achashverosh was truly a king; all he cared about was his own power! He simply said my lowest of the low servants and people that wash my floor are higher in stature than the nobles and the highest of the provinces and even army! Whoever is close to me is high in status. What can we learn from this? Eliyahu brings a beautiful Chizuk: We see from this that Hashem says the lowest of the low are the closest ones to me. Even in your (the people of this world's) eyes what seems lowest of the low, a.k.a. financially dependent on other people, BUT ARE CLOSE TO ME, those are the true Ivdei Hashem who go out of their way to purify this world. Today's Talmidei Chachamim eat carbs all day because that is the cheapest food that fills them up, I have seen with my own eyes families of 9 and 10 who do not have money to eat and are the happiest people, because they simply are the closest ones to Hashem. Putting the fact that they literally do mesiroot nefesh by living a financially poor life and learn Torah all day and deserve the respect of college professors that we deem intelligent, they are the ones that truly fix themselves everyday and try to become better humans. We need to strive to do what HASHEM TELLS US to do, not what the economists or experienced business leaders or teachers or intelligent lawyers tell us to do!

B'H we will all have the zchut to live a life of Torah and support the ones who want to get closer to Hashem, even though they might look like the lowest of the low.

Let's all strive to reach our maximum potentials and stay happy, Cuz Hashem loves all of us :D.

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1. Some say that even though women are obligated in the Mitzvah of Kriyat HaMegillah, they do not fulfill the obligation for other people. Some disagree and say women can BUT even though the Halacha stands that they can fulfill the obligation for other people by reading it themselves, it is better to follow the first opinion and only have women read for everyone in a time where only the woman can read.

2. The reader of the Megillah on Lel Purim says 3 brachot: "Al Mikrah Megillah," "She Asa Nisim," and "Shehecheyanu." On Yom Purim, one does not say the bracha of Shehecheyanu before the Megillah reading. One should have in mind to add in the intent to fulfill the Mitzvot of Mishloach Manot and Seudat Purim when saying Shehecheyanu at night. If someone forgot to say the Bracha of Shehecheyanu and/or the other 2 brachot, he should say the brachot at the moment where he realized he forgot during the reading itself. If he already finished reading the whole Megillah, then on Yom Purim (the day of Purim, in the morning), he should add in Birkat Shehecheyanu since its the 2nd reading. If one did say all the Brachot because he read in shul for everyone, he CAN say Birkat Shehecheyanu again at home [if he is reading for his family who haven't heard yet].

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Its so much more complicated and interesting than what this guy is saying. It happens all the time. This is your body. BARUCH HASHEM WE ARE HEALTHY!!! Have you ever learned Birkat Asher Yatzar???
How can you not get chizuk from this?!?!

Thank you Hashem for making sure our digestive systems work properly. What would we do without you?!

Try not to fall asleep,
Do not forget to see the MASHIACH POST BELOW!

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Believe it or not, B'H, there is something better than a CLD...something that comes out of nowhere. Some type of Chizuk that shows us Mashiach is here. MASHIACH IS NOW! We just need to open our eyes! In CLD #115, Channukah time around 3 months ago, the world witnessed the disastrous Carmel Fire that wiped out 44 neshamot from Am Yisrael, Zichronam Livracha, and we saw in a Midrash - Click Here the explanation that the fire is a sign of Yemei HaMashiach (the times of Mashiach, the times of redemption, aka now). Last night, I had the zchut to be in the presence of a good chevrah, good Jews, good friends who showed me another sign that MASHIACH IS NOW! These are pictures from the book Tana Devei Eliyahu: 



Then Tana Devei Eliyahu speaks about the Geula itself, which is the words of the famous song Anavim by Medad Tasa, Schwekey, etc. 
This book was written hundreds of years ago.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

CLD #194

The Midrash explains what "Al Kiseh Malchuto..." means from Megillat Ester Perek Aleph Pasuk Bet. The Midrash says that all the kingdom in the world is really Hashem's, all the respect, all the praise, all the love, and all the honor, but in the Megillah it says the Malchut was King Achashverosh's. How come? The Midrash explains that because of the Chata'aim done by Am Israel, the power was transferred to Achashverosh. How can Hashem "loose" the malchut? Answer: It is not that Hashem lost the Malchut, BUT we, with our own actions, literally said that Achashverosh and the goyim deserve more honor and pride than our Father in Shamayim, Hashem. TODAY we do this all the time, Hashem Yerachem on us (on all of us, including me obviously). Whenever we sin, whenever we eat non-kosher food, sleep instead of going to minyan/shul, go to eat with our girlfriends instead of shiur, eat without saying a bracha, clubbing, doing averot with ourselves in our own rooms HASHEM YERACHEM, or even just thinking the world revolves around us, WE SPIT IN HASHEM'S FACE> LITERALLY! We all need to constantly grow, constantly think: Why am I doing what I am doing? Is this helping me reach my goal: emulating Hashem's purity and reaching the maximum happiness?

B'H I will begin to take my own advice and always move higher and higher in the ruchaniyoot, which will automatically fix all my problems. B'H we will see that living through the Torah and Mitzvot that Hashem gave us the privelage to do will lead us to the best type of life.

SHAVUA TOV, Judaism=Think.

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1. One should listen to the Megillah from a person who is obligated to fulfill this Mitzva. A deaf person L'A, a minor or an insane person do not have the status to fulfill other people's chiyuv (obligation) of Kriyat HaMegillah. A deaf person has to read the Megillah and does not have to read it based on the signs of the words (te'amim) an one should not force the deaf to read 100% correctly. Whoever heard from a deaf person the Megillah should read it again, but should not say the Brachot before and after he reads the Megillah. A person who has a serious hearing problem (to the extent that he cannot hear unless someone yells) still has to hear the Megillah and CAN fulfill the obligation of Kriyat HaMegillah for other people. Since he is not considered deaf and we have hearing aids today, we can still follow this.
2. The one listening to the Megillah from a microphone or loudspeaker or live radio does not fulfill his/her obligation of Kriyat HaMegillah, UNLESS he/she is sitting close to the reader that without the device they would still hear the kriya.

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I had the zchut to be taken by imi morati, my mother, to get a bracha from THE Holy Chabad Rabbi as a baby. B'H! The Jewish people, no matter how religious and no matter what generation, we always strive to grow and get brachot from tzadikkim. Have you ever met a tzadik?


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Anonymous Special: A LETTER TO HASHEM!

"Hodu La Hashem Ki Tov Ki Le Olam Chasdo" 
Everything that Hashem does for us and gives us is a CHESSED.
If you are looking to be happy then look around at the things you have in your life. The people you have in your life. Your spiritual possesions as well as physical ones. And thank Hashem for it all. You will see that you will not be able to stop smiling. Recognize your blessings and try counting them. Every day there will be something new. You passed an exam, you were able to move your legs and get out of bed, you were able to drive safley in the snow. These are all things we can thank Hashem for. Here is a letter I wrote and I hope you get some inspiration from it. 

Dear Hashem,
Thank you Hashem for everything. From the smallest thing to the biggest thing. From the not so important things to the important things. Thank you Hashem for my eyes that can see your beautiful world. Thank you for my eyes that can see the words in my Siddur. Thank you for my eyes that can see Eretz Yisrael. Thank you Hashem for my ears that can hear Brachot. What if I couldn't hear a bracha? How would I answer Amen or say Amen Yehei Shme Raba? Thank you Hashem for my ears that can hear good clean holy Jewish music thats good for my neshama. Thank you Hashem for my hands that can reach up and kiss a Mezuza or a Sefer Torah. Thank you Hashem for giving me arms that I can hold a child in. Thank you Hashem for my two legs that I can walk on. Thank you Hashem that I can run with my legs to hold open a door for a woman with a stroller or an old lady with a lot of groceries. Thank you Hashem for my legs that allow me to climb stairs. Thank you Hashem for my legs that allow me to stand for the Amidah. Thank you Hashem for giving man the idea to create all  types of clothing. From winter coats to Shabatt clothes to socks that keep our feet warm to cotton and all the materials in the world. Thank you Hashem for cell phones that allow us to call our grandparents and wish them Shabatt Shalom. Thank you that for the time being we can daven freely on a train with out anyone bothering us. Thank you for Eretz Hakodesh. Thank you for giving us a home even though by being here we are not appreciating this. Thank you Hashem for Shabatt so we can spend quality time with you. Thank you for Tzniute so our Neshamot Tehorot can shine through. Thank you for Shomer Negiah that saves us from unnecessary pain and heartbreaks. Thank you Hashem for all my wonderful friends. Thank you Hashem for my parents, siblings, neices, nephews...Thank you for my Siddur. Thank you that they also come in pocket size so I can carry one everywhere. Thank you that I can bichlal read Hebrew. Thank you Hashem for making it all come from you. Thank you Hashem that you chose me to be born Jewish. Thank you Hashem for inventing airplanes so we can actually move to Israel BEFORE Mashiach comes. Thank you Hashem for the water that we can drink. Thank you Hashem for the water that we can brush our teeth with. Imagine there was no such thing as toothbrushes or toothpaste (yes even this is from Hashem Yitbarach!). Thank you Hashem for the water we do laundry with or how would we have clean clothes. Thank you Hashem for water so we can take showers. Thank you Hashem that we can shower independentley. I had a friend who had the zechut to be in the army and protect our home. For months he had to have his father shower him becuase he was in critical condition from an injury during the war in Gaza. So Thank you Hashem for letting us be independent and healthy. 
Thank you Hashem for letting us be in your arms only and noone elses. Thank you Hashem for your Torah and Mitzvot. For the easy ones and the challenging ones that push us to be better people. 
Thank you for being the BEST ABBA in the WORLD. The Best King in the world and the Bestest friend in the world. 
Love always, 
Your Only Child
Am Yisrael

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Friday, February 25, 2011


1. All are obligated to fulfill the Mitzva of reading Megillat Ester: women, men and converts. Therefore women who did not go to shul for Kriyat HaMegillah or did not hear every word due to noise or any interruptions, need to hear it at home from an expert reader. Children under the age of 13 should also be brought to hear the Kriyat HaMegillah to get accustomed to being in shul at Purim, even if they have a chance to listen at home! The children who will come to disturb and distract should NOT be brought to shul because the listeners need to listen to every single word.
2. The man who reads the Megillah at home to fulfill the Mitzva for his family who haven't heard it yet should say all the brachot before reading and should not say any brachot after the kriya because these are only said in a public venue.

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CLD #193

Megillat Ester opens up with Achashverosh's Kingdom and control over 127 countries "Vayehi Bimei Achashverosh..." Even the main point of Megillat Ester is to publicize Hashem's nissim that he did for our ancestors in Persia. By the destruction of the First Bet HaMikdash before Achashverosh, the Jews knew from Ezra HaSofer that after 70 years they were supposed to be redeemed. The Yehudim of the time thought that NO MATTER WHAT they were going to be redeemed and Galut Bavel would end, but they were not fit for it due to their behavior. Achashverosh saw that they were not redeemed and he assumed the Geula was no where in sight for the Jews so he formed his famous extravagant party that the story of Purim begins with. Because of the Jews of Paras' (Persia's) decision to take part in his party, Hashem decreed that Haman would have the power to annihilate, and as we know because of thei tshuva they were saved. Without knowing this information how do we find out that something is off, that there is a bad future in sight based on the pasuk alone? The Meam Loez brings from brings from the Gemara (Masechet Megillah) that the word "Vayehi..." is a word that introduces a form of suffering.
Besides the huge fact that we need to earn the coming of the Mashiach as we see from Purim (Bemhera Beyamenu Amen) we also see a huge tip that we can use against our enemies Imach Shmam! Achashverosh, who according to Rashi, was a Rashi from "his beginning to his end" only made the party because he calculated (incorrectly) that the Yehudim's timespan of Geula (redemption) is up and they don't have Hashem's help anymore! Our enemies know that all our power relies on our connection with Hashem! Our degree of understanding what Judaism, what the Torah, and what Mitzvot are all about! The only way to do this is by learning what we are all about, what are lives entail, what and how are futures should be -> its all about limud Torah (which we in our low of low levels do not understand) BUT is the only way we can reach completion, the perfection of our neshamot, and most importantly the connection with the Creator of the world, Hashem. 

Its time to step it up, push to be Jewish, push to take it upon ourselves to learn. 
B'H we'll have the chizuk to comprehend how lucky we are to be Yehudim and have the opportunity to do Mitzvot and live the Torah!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011


1. A person must read Megillat Ester twice, once at night (March 20) and another time during the day (March 21) Purim (starts at Shkiya of March and ends March 21st Shkiya). The night of Purim begins at Tzet HaKochavim (3 stars) and ends at Alot HaShachar (Dawn). The time of the day begins at Netz HaChama (Sunrise) and at Shkiya. If one attempted to fulfill the obligation of the second reading (which is done of Purim Day), and begins reading at Alot HaShachar, he fulfills his obligation in the "least best" way.

2. Chazal permitted stopping limud Torah in order to hear the readings of Megillat Ester. Even if there is a daily/weekly shiur with 100 people, all those people are not allowed to learn instead of hearing the Megillah, because it is more Mehudar [more suitable and respectful to have a bigger crowd in front of Hashem]. Whoever prays at a specific Minyan year-round, doesn't have to leave his minyan to go to another minyan to form a larger crowd. When a person prays in a Beit Midrash year-round, one doesn't need to go to the big shul in the city, because it is not fit for all the little shuls to close and send their members to the big shul. BUT if a person has a minyan in his home year-round; then he must cancel the minyan at home to send all the people to the big shul, because the shul is a place of Pirsumei Nisa and where the miracle of Purim can be publicized, compared to a home. A shul that is crowded shows the seriousness of the Purim to Jews who do not know.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CLD #192

The Midrash on Purim continued: Not only does man have a meaning and purpose in this world, BUT also every tiny detail and element! And not only a plant that pleasure for man (ex. Mango tree or aloe vera plant) but even a thorn! So in the end the thorn was chosen as the type of tree to be used to hang Haman HaRasha and the thorn's purpose was fulfilled. So if we see that a thorn, that is so insignificant in our huge and complex world EVEN MORE SO IS THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, PURPOSE AND MEANING FOR MAN! Man was created in G-d's image. The human being was not brought to act freely, to live without a purpose and be brought from the Olam HaNitzchi, but rather to do one single thing and one thing only: TO take upon ourselves Torah, Mitzvot, and Ma'asim Tovim. 
The miracle of Purim was not a publicized Nes (miracle), but a hidden Nes, as it says in Masechet Chulin (Talmud): Ester (meaning the miracle of Ester), from the Torah, How [meaning how was the Nes laid out]? We learn from the pasuk "VeAnochi Hester Astir" that the redemption and nes was carried out in a hidden manner, and so hidden that Hashem's name is not mentioned even once (in the megillah)! In Masechet Shabat, we learn that only after the days of Achashverosh and Purim did Am Yisrael accept the Torah willingly (compared to Har Sinai where they were forced to accept it). Rashi explains that the Yehudim accepted the Torah willingly only because of the miracle that Hashem did for them. A question arises: Why didn't the Yehudim accept the Torah willingly at Har Sinai after Kriyat Yam Suf or Yetziyat Mitzrayim in general, which were miracles much larger and more publicized than the Nes of Purim!?!? And the answer is given by the Gaon Betzalel Zolti (over 1000 years ago): The miracle of Purim is larger than the nissim of Yetziyat Mitzrayim! Why? Bnei Yisrael reached a point where they understood that EVERYTHING is a miracle and they saw Hashem's finger literally in control at all times. This is the difference of Yetziyat Mitzrayim/other publicized Nisim and Purim/other hidden Nissim. The Nissim Glooyim (publicized, ex. Mitzrayim) are not felt everyday and every second and they are events that occur once to influence forever, but the Nes of Purim involves situations that occur daily. Therefore, in the days of Mashiach (Bemhera BeYamenu Amen) even though, according to the Rambam, the Nes of Yetziyat Mitzrayim will not be reminded because the Nissim in the days of Mashiach will be greater. However, the nes of Purim will still stay in the History books. Why? Because Purim is all about seeing that EVERYTHING that happens is a huge miracle and this concept will continue to be discussed and taught. 

This marks the end of the Introduction to Purim. Now that we got the background, we can continue with the details, stories, and commentary of the actual story of Purim for upcoming CLDs.

If you want a specific topic to be discussed, please contact me.

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1. We tend to donate before Purim "Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel" and we give the donation on the day of the Kriyat HaMegillah (before) and you should be careful and not say "Machatzit HaShekel" because then it is considered as a donation to the Bet HaMikdash and it is owned by G-d, therefore we say "Zecher..." The amount given is 9 grams of pure silver in the market today and it is good to give the amount in coins (today it is $12 and if we had $4 coins, the best way to donate would be through 3 $4 coins). Paper money or pure silver is also acceptable.

2. Women also tend to donate "Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel." Its suggested to give money to kids above the age of 13 to donate also. Its recommended to donate the money to institutional of Torah or Yeshivot because the limud Torah is the replacement of Korbanot today which the Machatzit HaShekel was given for in the times of the Bet HaMikdash as it says "Lehaper Al Nafshotechem." And the one who tends to give Ma'aser from his profits, he is not allowed to take $12 of the Ma'aser (10%) of his profits that he donates. If you regularly give Ma'aser [10% of your profits to be donated] and have given 3 times already and it has become a custom then you cannot take $12 of the Ma'aser to give as Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel [because that 10% is already for something else and cannot be touched]. However, if it is difficult for him to give both Ma'aser and Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel, then when separating the Ma'aser (10%) from the profits, he says "Bli Neder" that lets him give Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel from the Ma'aser.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CLD #191

From yesterday's CLD (which was taken from the Midrash on Purim), we learn the value and greatness/influence of Limud Torah and prayer of the children mentioned (who are called Tinnokot Shel Bet Rabban). From their limud and prayer, as we said in CLD #190, Hashem himself switched from the Midat HaDin (the element of judgment) to the Midat HaRachamim (the element of mercy) and from this Am Yisrael was saved from Haman's decree. From this we know to send our children to proper Chinuch of Torah and Mitzvot, which makes up the source of all Jewish pride. And how happy should the parents of a Talmid Chacham (from Yeshiva/Talmud Torah) because they have a huge zchut and their schar cannot even be described in words (Aramaic= "Lo Yesula BePhaz").
When we move on in the Midrash, we see that even the smallest being/entity or simply anything that takes up space has a meaning and a purpose. We see this in Purim when the Midrash says that Hashem asked the trees : "Which of you is the most fit to be the tree which Haman will be hanged on?" The fig tree spoke first: "I am used as a metaphor to describe Am Yisrael and my fruits are taken to the Beit HaMikdash as Biccurim! The grape tree jumped in: "I am fit because Israel is described through grapes, as it says: Gefen MiMitzrayim Tasiya. The Rimon said: Kefelach HaRimon Rakatech. Also the walnut, the Etrog, the Lulav, Hadas, Arava, the apple, and the Cedar all gave their reasons! The thorn stood up and pleaded: Master of the Universe, all that You created is to glorify Your Highness, and all the trees have found reasons why they should be chosen and all were created for specific purposes. But me, What do I have? I should be chosen because a thorn that brings pain upon Am Yisrael (Haman) should be hung on me, the thorn!
Was the thorn chosen? Check out tomorrow's CLD to find out!

Smile, Cuz as far as you think you are from G-d, the truth is you're just a small tefillah away.

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1. Whoever forgot to add the Al HaNisim passage after Modim but before he/she said Hashem's name in the bracha following Al HaNisim, "Hatov Shimcha U'Lecha Naeh LeHodot," then he/she can go back to say Al HaNisim and continue regularly. However, if one said the bracha after Al HaNisim, then he/she cannot go back, rather at the end of the Amida he/she before the last Yehiyu LeRatzon says "Modim anachnu lefanecha Al HaNisim... until the end of the paragraph and continues straight where he/she left (at Yehiyu LeRatzon and Oseh Shalom). If one realizes he/she forgot while literally saying Baruch Atah Hashem, he/she may not end it with Lamdeni Chukecha (which is as if saying a pasuk from tehillim and not a bracha and therefore would think they can go back to say Al HaNisim). In this situation, he/she must say the rest of the bracha and say Al HaNisim like in the case where one forgot after he said Hashem's name as mentioned before.

2. After the Tefillah of Erev Purim, the Chazan should say Chatzi Kaddish (half) and not the usual full Kaddish Titkabal, which should be said only after the process of Kriyat HaMegillah is complete.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

CLD #190

Purim Continued: B'H ONLY 25 DAYS AWAY!
An Arena that fits 22,000 people.
The Midrash continued: After Haman HaRasha set up the tree to hang Mordechia, he went to Mordechia and found him at the Beit Midrash with children wearing Sheep Wool articles (of mourning). Haman counted the kids and after seeing that there were 22,000 of them, wailing and crying (while fasting) in prayer to Hashem for redemption, he ordered King Achashverosh's secret service to handcuff them with metal and lock them up int he Beit Midrash. Haman yelled at all the kids: Tomorrow will begin the massacre of your people I've been waiting for and it will begin with all of you! And after I'm finished with you, I will hang Mordechai! <Sidepoint: Imagining this is horrible> The same night, the mothers of these 22,000 came to the walls of the Beit Midrash and snuck in food for their brave young sons and told them: "Our sons, eat and drink now before your deaths in the morning, so you don't starve tonight!" Immediately the boys refused, held onto their books of Torah and swore with the tiny energy they had left: "On the life of our great Rabbi, Mordechai, we rather die here tonight in ta'anit (fast) rather than die under the hands of Haman!" 

Baby Goat.
Their voices climbed up to Shamayim where Hashem was sitting on His Kiseh HaKavod and moved from Midat haDin (the element of judgment) to the Midat haRachamim (element of mercy) and asked: What are these cries of goats and lambs? Moshe Rabbeinu zoomed in with an answer: These are not voices of goats and lambs, rather the cries of the youngest of Your nation! They have been fasting for three days and three nights and tomorrow the enemy wants to slaughter them like goats and lambs! At the same moment, Avinu BaShamayim took the pamphlets ordering the annihliation of the Jews, shreaded them to pieces, and sprinkled the pieces over Achashverosh in the middle of the night. This is what is known as the moment when the redemption began from the Pasuk that explains Achashverosh's sudden awakening "BaLayla HaHu Nedada Shnat HaMelech." (=At that night the king's sleep was disrupted)
Baby Lamb.
To see what else we learn from this tune in tomorrow!

Smile, Cuz Hashem loves you.

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1. If there aren't "10" (minimum 6 or 7 people) fasting in shul on Ta'anit Ester, the minyan cannot take out a Sefer Torah to read Parashat VaYachel (passage that is read on fast days). Also the Chazan/Shaliyach Tzibur does not say "Anenu" as an extra Bracha when saying Amida out loud, rather says it in the middle of Shma Kolenu.
2. On Lel Purim (night of), we enter the Beit HaKnesset to listen to the Megillah wearing Shabat/Yom Tov attire to remember the times of Mordechai and Ester as it says in the Megillah: "VaTalbesh Ester Malchut" and "U'Mordechai Yatza BeLebush Malchut." Before Tefillat Arvit we say the Mizmor (perek from tehillim) "Al Ayelet HaShachar," which relates to Purim. In Tefillat Arvit of Purim, we add "Al HaNisim" after Modim, even if the Tefillah is said before Tzet HaKochavim (which is when Purim actually begins).

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

CLD #189

Al Pi HaRav Nissim Levy (morning Chok LYisrael shiur daily with breakfast, email me <> for more info):
Our parasha this week, Parashat VaYakhel, brings back the mitzvat aseh of Trumah, the donation to the Kohanim (priests) of the Beit HaMikdash and all the materials and elements brought to the Mishkan. Three of the elements that were brought to the mishkan, out of the 15, were Gold, Silver and Copper. What can we learn from Zahav (Gold) Kesef (Silver) and Nechoshet (copper)? The question is really: What cant we not learn from these 3 things?!

Let's zoom into these words: What is one thing we can learn from this set?
Kriyat HaTorah, or all the times we need to open the Torah and read from it. How? 
Zahav consists of 3 letters, Zayin (7), Heh (5), and Bet (2). What are the 3 days of the week when we open the Torah? Shabat (7th day of the week), Thursday (5th), and Monday (2nd). What about Kesef? We have Chaf= Yom haKippurim (Kippur), Samech= Sukkot, and Phei= Pesach Purim. What about Nechoshet? Nun=Nerot (Channukah), Chet=Chodesh (Rosh, and Rosh HaShanah), Shin= Simchat Torah, Shmini Atzeret, Shavuot, Tav= Ta'anit.

That is amazing alone, now lets get even deeper into Zahav, Kesef, Nechoshet:
What else can we learn? The 3 different personalities when it comes to Giving Tzdaka.
The rashei tevot of each word symbolizes a saying about each different type of person who gives tzdaka:
Zahav = Zeh Hanoten Bari (The one who gives in a healthy manner, with simcha, quickly).
Kesef = KsheRoeh Sakana Poteach (The one who sees danger opens <his wallet>).
Nechoshet = Netinat Choleh She'omer Tnu (The one who is sick who says to give, meaning the one who is only about to leave this world or already has only gives then).
Wow. Is there anything else we can learn? Obviously there is.
Zahav, since in a pure state is red, symbolizes Midat HaDin of Hashem, the judgment element of Hashem. The word Zahav (as we mentioned before) consists of 3 letters, which in Gematriya decrease from 7 to 5 to 2. No one wants to decrease. The word Kesef is the opposite. Besides it symbolizing Midat HaRachamim, or mercy, of Hashem, it also increases in value from letter to letter (20 to 60 to 80). 
Do you believe that their is Shivim Panim LaTorah? I think so.
B'H we will open up our eyes to see that the Torah is THE source of truth and THE foundation that the world stands on. B'H we'll all have the zchut to taste the wisdom of the Torah HaKdosha :D.

Start off the week with a smile. SHAVUA TOV
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In our generation, B'H we know how long everything is going to last. We have a battery icon on our phones, our computers, and all of our electronics. Our college degrees are limited by time, our birthdays, every single object is temporary! What about our lives? Do we know when we are going to leave? Pirkei Avot: "Im Lo Achshav, Ematai?" If not now, then when? We need to take advantage of all our opportunities to get close to Hashem NOW, not tomorrow, not in the summer, not next week. Take action, be Jewish because as Chazal, Rav Levy, Rav Bina, and all scholars say: THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES (regarding staying strong with the fire of the Torah and mitzvot)!

Its a constant battle. Its time to think. Its time to take action. Its time to be Jewish.
Shavua Tov
Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit'a will be in Jamaica Estates tonight at 8:30pm at 181-52 Aberdeen St. 
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