Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anonymous Special: A LETTER TO HASHEM!

"Hodu La Hashem Ki Tov Ki Le Olam Chasdo" 
Everything that Hashem does for us and gives us is a CHESSED.
If you are looking to be happy then look around at the things you have in your life. The people you have in your life. Your spiritual possesions as well as physical ones. And thank Hashem for it all. You will see that you will not be able to stop smiling. Recognize your blessings and try counting them. Every day there will be something new. You passed an exam, you were able to move your legs and get out of bed, you were able to drive safley in the snow. These are all things we can thank Hashem for. Here is a letter I wrote and I hope you get some inspiration from it. 

Dear Hashem,
Thank you Hashem for everything. From the smallest thing to the biggest thing. From the not so important things to the important things. Thank you Hashem for my eyes that can see your beautiful world. Thank you for my eyes that can see the words in my Siddur. Thank you for my eyes that can see Eretz Yisrael. Thank you Hashem for my ears that can hear Brachot. What if I couldn't hear a bracha? How would I answer Amen or say Amen Yehei Shme Raba? Thank you Hashem for my ears that can hear good clean holy Jewish music thats good for my neshama. Thank you Hashem for my hands that can reach up and kiss a Mezuza or a Sefer Torah. Thank you Hashem for giving me arms that I can hold a child in. Thank you Hashem for my two legs that I can walk on. Thank you Hashem that I can run with my legs to hold open a door for a woman with a stroller or an old lady with a lot of groceries. Thank you Hashem for my legs that allow me to climb stairs. Thank you Hashem for my legs that allow me to stand for the Amidah. Thank you Hashem for giving man the idea to create all  types of clothing. From winter coats to Shabatt clothes to socks that keep our feet warm to cotton and all the materials in the world. Thank you Hashem for cell phones that allow us to call our grandparents and wish them Shabatt Shalom. Thank you that for the time being we can daven freely on a train with out anyone bothering us. Thank you for Eretz Hakodesh. Thank you for giving us a home even though by being here we are not appreciating this. Thank you Hashem for Shabatt so we can spend quality time with you. Thank you for Tzniute so our Neshamot Tehorot can shine through. Thank you for Shomer Negiah that saves us from unnecessary pain and heartbreaks. Thank you Hashem for all my wonderful friends. Thank you Hashem for my parents, siblings, neices, nephews...Thank you for my Siddur. Thank you that they also come in pocket size so I can carry one everywhere. Thank you that I can bichlal read Hebrew. Thank you Hashem for making it all come from you. Thank you Hashem that you chose me to be born Jewish. Thank you Hashem for inventing airplanes so we can actually move to Israel BEFORE Mashiach comes. Thank you Hashem for the water that we can drink. Thank you Hashem for the water that we can brush our teeth with. Imagine there was no such thing as toothbrushes or toothpaste (yes even this is from Hashem Yitbarach!). Thank you Hashem for the water we do laundry with or how would we have clean clothes. Thank you Hashem for water so we can take showers. Thank you Hashem that we can shower independentley. I had a friend who had the zechut to be in the army and protect our home. For months he had to have his father shower him becuase he was in critical condition from an injury during the war in Gaza. So Thank you Hashem for letting us be independent and healthy. 
Thank you Hashem for letting us be in your arms only and noone elses. Thank you Hashem for your Torah and Mitzvot. For the easy ones and the challenging ones that push us to be better people. 
Thank you for being the BEST ABBA in the WORLD. The Best King in the world and the Bestest friend in the world. 
Love always, 
Your Only Child
Am Yisrael

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