Thursday, January 27, 2011

CLD #165

Story about the seriousness in regards to the desire of “Arayot,” or sexual relations (Taken from the book “Ki Tetze LaMilchama): The biggest talmid, the Rosh Talmid, of Eliyahu HaNavi had the yetzer hara’s fire inside him and ordered a Jewish Prostitute. After hearing who her client is, she went to observe his daily duties by his Beit Midrash and she woke up spiritually and realized she cannot let the relations happen. After several attempts, the client would not stop urging to act, and she physically threw him off her. Only after she did this did the Yetzer Hara escape from within the Rosh Talmid. A Bat Kol (spiritual microphone) came out of the sky and said they both received the zchut of Olam Haba.

Questions: what made the prostitute realize how severe this is? Why did she go see him in the Beit Midrash in the first place? How come did she decide to take it upon herself to end all relations with clients?

One Answer: The power of the talmid’s limud torah!

The story does NOT teach that someone should learn torah before hitting on a girl, rather realize that torah is much more thing than a duty.

Shabat Shalom. Stay happy, cuz G-d loves you.

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