Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CLD #164

Mangos, Oranges, Kiwi, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Dates, etc. all have many things in common, but one thing that gives chizuk is its klipa, or outer layer. In all these fruits, if the klipa is sealed, then the produce itself, the inside, is kept safe and can be eaten (after checking for bugs ;). When the outer layer has been damaged, the inside of the fruit itself becomes damaged; whether its by animals, insects, wind, rain, snow, etc. How does this relate to our lives? What does the CLD want from me now? A Jew can live in the outside world! A real Jew does not run away from the rest of society, but lives in it. There is a limit, but in the end of the day Jews make up a percentage of society and do not choose to be segregated. But again, there is a limit. Where do we see this? By the fruits. We use nature to expand our knowledge and further broaden our intellect in regard to the world and where we stand. Just like the fruit, who has an outer coating, or a protective shield around it, we needs to know our boundaries and limits. At the same time we do live in the community, but the only way we survive, the only way the fruit can still be eaten, is by its outer coating being sealed and complete. How do we reach this protection, this strength to survive in the world? Through the Torah. Even though at first glance the Torah HaKdosha may seem like a huge negative; in reality all the Torah is doing is sending us into the environment with an outer laying to help live to the fullest in the truest and happiest way.

Since Shabat is the center of the week spiritually, Wednesday starts off the week. So SHABAT SHALOM :D.

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