Monday, January 17, 2011

CLD #155

Our Parasha, Parasha Yitro, deals with the topic of Yitro, Har Sinai, Kabalat HaTorah, and at its base is the power of Shmiya, or hearing. When one hears something, the idea goes into the bones of the person. When it says in the Parasha “VaYishma Yitro Chotno Moshe,” a whole bunch of things can be learned. One is the connection of Yitro hearing and Bnei Yisrael’s action of “Na’aseh VeNishma” after Kabalat HaTorah. Yitro was great because after his role as “Cohen Midyan” which means he was the leader of midyan, the leader of the avoda zara in the land, the leader of all the impurity; he heard the news of the Kriyat Yam Suf and followed Ratzon Hashem and followed the path of the Torah. We see the complete opposite with Bnei Yisrael. Am Yisrael said “Na’aseh VeNishma,” we will do and then hear (comprehend). One view of this phrase (because there is an endless amount of explanations) is the idea that Am Yisrael have been hearing and learning Torah ever since Shem VeEpher. The Yeshiva of Shem VeEpher was a colossal place of torah learning that was passed onto the people who believed in Hashem before Matan Torah to Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov. So of course Am Yisrael said we will do and then hear because they already have it in them to do the right thing!
Tip: What does it mean to do the right thing? Gematriya of Yetzer Hara is 575. The only way to beat the Yetzer Hara is with all your Koach (Gematriya = 28). When we use all our Koach, 28, we will throw down the Yetzer Hara and be able lekayem the (575+28) 613 mitzvot.

B’H May we have the zchut to understand that all nisyonot come from shamayim to build our characters and make us better people.


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