Thursday, January 13, 2011

CLD #151

In the cases of David HaMelech and Yaakov Avinu’s son Reuven, the holy Gemara describes that whoever thinks they sinned is mistaken. How does this make sense? It is clear to some mefarshim that both David and Reuven clearly sinned! In our world today, unfortunately, there is a large idea that G-d does not exist and because I live in a ‘free country,’ nobody can tell me what to do. This idea of ‘chilling’ was non-existant in the times of Reuven and David. These two huge tzadikkim (and there aren’t enough words/synonyms to describe their gargantuan part in the world) were people who did everything leshem shamayim till their last days. Even when we, in our tiny minds, describe that both Reuven and David sinned, we are mistaken. We need to view the geonim and tzadkaniot in the Tanach and the Rabbanim in the Talmud as people who were all about the Torah and serving Hashem. We are so far away from their spiritual greatness! Our sins and their ‘sins’ are in two opposite categories. If only our mitzvot would be as great as their sins.

David HaMelech composed Tehillim! Mashiach is labeled as “Ben David!” David HaMelech had everything in his hands and he only asked one thing: “Shivti BeBet Hashem Kol Yemei Chayai!”

Reuven was Yaakov Avinu’s son! He saved Yosef HaTzadik from his brothers who wanted to slaughter him! He went out of his way to find special dooda’im flowers and accomplish the mitzvah of kibbud av ve’em!

These are just the examples that are written in Tanach about their holy actions. What about their daily lives?

B’H We’ll have the curiosity in understanding who the people of the Tanach were and learn a little about them with our local Rabbis.


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