Friday, December 24, 2010

CLD #132

We don't appreciate the value of the Rabbis and Talmidei Chachamim in our generation. A Rabbi of the smallest possible congregation (of 10 families=minyan) has to deal with constant telephone calls regarding the most randomn questions of halacha. In one minute he might get a call about the kosher supervision regarding the 'brown labeled' hot chocolate powder mix and then another minute regarding the issues between a young couple with birth control and condoms, etc. What about the Rabbis of our communities? We need to think before we approach a Rabbi or anyone of that stature and give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, most Rabbis are the few links we have with our connection to Hashem. Imagine you being in the Rabbi's position. We need to think, we always need to keep on opening our eyes.

A Talmid Chacham is very different than a Rav. A Talmid Chacham or even the basic Chozer B'Tshuva young man/lady have to sacrifice. The sacrifice is intense, from dropping friends left and right to changing the way one thinks, the sacrifice and constant need to hold back against specific urges is a whole challenge within itself. Rav Michael Lasri said in his shiur that in the time of the Beit HaMikdash B'B, there will be a huge table seating Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov,etc...with all the Young Chozrei B'Tshuva next to them andddd the huge Rabbis from Meah Shearim will be waiting them food. We need to give our respects to these young boys and girls who do Mesiroot Nefesh and through their maturity realize what is the EMET in our world>>>Torah and the way of Hashem. This is what makes them huge people.
I hope we can go up to our Rabbis this Shabat and say Chazak U'Baruch and Thank You for all your work from the deepness of our hearts.
Shabat Kodesh=Reality.
P.S. Yetzer Hara tries to ruin Shabat by making one go through many tests that might get the person angry. Don't fall to the Yetzer Hara and just slap a smile on your face and say "Hakol Ze Mi Lemala." 

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