Sunday, December 19, 2010

CLD #127

Some of us do not even know that Judaism is an all-in-one package religion. First of all, when a Jew describes Judaism in his/her life, it is not an 'aspect' or a 'part' of his/her life, it is their life! Judaism has an answer to everything, When we wake up on the spot we say thank you to Hashem, our lives revolve around thanking our Father in Shamayim! We get out of the bathroom: we say Asher Yatzar, we leave the house: we kiss the mezuza, we step into shul: we say psukim from tehillim. We put on our shoes right foot first and then left foot, we shower in a certain way, do netillat yadayim in a certain way, and everything has an order. Every action has a meaning, everything is so connected to Hashem, it is amazing that we have the opportunity (cannot stress it enough>>>its all up to you) to get close to the creator of the world. Right now Hashem is managing every breathe of ours, and every breathe of the entire planet (and whatever other worlds there are) around the globe.

This leads us to the concept of Cheshbon Nefesh, or literally: "Calculating the Soul." We need to keep on asking ourselves what we are doing in this world and what is our purpose. This term is used to explain the concept of striving to grow and reach perfection. Perfecting our thought process, perfecting the way we eat, perfecting our actions and behaviors to ultimately reach a state of mind where everything we do is leshem shamayim, to turn everything into kdusha with the reason "Because G-d told me." If you believe that G-d created you, how can you say that following the words of G-d is not for you!?!??! 
Someone asked me last night if it is true that Hashem love us. In Ramchal's Derech Hashem he explains that the entire purpose of the creation of our world is to provide good. If Hashem created this world because he wants to give and promote good and just help, so it is obvious- solid stone -that Hashem loves each and every one of us.


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