Saturday, December 18, 2010

CLD #126

Baruch Hashem We Have Shabat!
"Ki Hi Mekor HaBeracha"- Shabat is the center of the Bracha that comes into the world for us. In Lecha Dodi we say that is the foundation, base, mekor, source, of the Bracha. Chachamim say that Shabat is worth 1000 times the spirtuality that is in a single day. For example, for every perek of tehillim we say during shabat it is like saying 1000 prakim of David HaMelech's tehillim.
The week spiritually is broken down with shabat being the middle of the week with sunday monday and tuesday connecting to the previous shabat and then wednesday thrusday and friday connecting with the upcoming shabat. Since today we are still connected to the previous shabat, shabat VaYechi, we need to take as much as we can from it and still sing and dance and stay happy. All this is to push ourselves to get closer with Hashem and to realize that we are not the same as other people in our world. We are Jews with neshamot that are connected to the Kiseh HaKavod of Hashem! 
Let's all pray for all the Yehuddim in the world who think they lost their connection with shamayim. B'H all the Jews in the colleges around the world will not throw away Yahadut and do kirruv at their colleges and do good in the eyes of Hashem. Since it is so difficult to stay Human in the colleges their schar is infinite. A Real Jew is like a sheep in a pack of wolves, even though he is surrounded by danger he will always be happy if he has Bitachon in Hashem.
Judaism=Think. Think about who your ancestors are and where you're at spiritually. What would they tell you?



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