Monday, December 13, 2010

CLD #121

A strong Jew who keeps battling the Yetzer Hara with Hashem's help is like a Date Tree ("Tzadik KaTamar Yifrach"- tehillim) and the weak Jew who gives in is like a Willow Tree. A Date Tree takes years and years to develop into a mature tree. So to the Jew who wishes to be strong and slowly moves up spiritually. Through every decision, if the person decides to go against all odds (which is usually the case) and chooses to go the way of Hashem, his roots (army against the Yetzer Hara) dive deeper into the ground. The next time a huge wind blows over (Yetzer Hara attacks), the tree will stay firm in the ground and not fly away and die off. The type of Jew who accepts his failure and lets the Yetzer Hara control everything is exactly like a Willow Tree. When a wind blows over, the Willow swerves and is ready to be uprooted from the ground. This idea is crucial in the fight against Yetzer Hara. We need to open our eyes and realize this world should NOT be looked at with a 'free country' mentality. Everything we do, to the tiniest detail, affects our neshamot.

B'H we will have the zchut to become Tzadikim like an Etz Tamar. At the maturity stage of the Tree, the fruits bloom and the sight is beautiful. So to with the Jew who struggles; the reward is endless.
By the way, Happiness and Smiling is a huge factor in succeeding against the battle, because Yetzer Hara wants you to be depressed and fail in life.

Smile, Cuz Hashem loves you!


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