Wednesday, December 08, 2010

CLD #116

8 CANDLES ALL LIT and with the shamash the channukiah has a beautiful aura...Every house is lit and bH everyone has the zchut to be proud of the miracle that Hashem did for us thousands of years ago. The candles, all 8 of them, represent the idea of being above nature and the supernatural aspect of G-d. Seven represents completion, shabat, the mashiach (in the 7th thousand years of this world). The fact that there are 8 candles symbolizes the miracle of Channukah how Hashem really showed the world his infinite power that he can make the small overpower the many in a war, make a tiny 1-day can of oil last for 8 days, and completely purify the Beit HaMikdash that was used as the home for avoda zara by the Greeks, Hashem Yerachem. But this is not the point, the point of Chanukkah is the body vs. the soul and choosing the soul. We need to detach ourselves of the materialistic society that America promotes. B'H we'll open our eyes and see the truth that Hashem and the torah is the path that we should follow.

Smile, cuz its so easy lachzor b'tshuva today, everything is laid out for us.



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