Wednesday, December 01, 2010

CLD #110

CHANUKKAH 5771! The Level of Kdusha that comes from Chanukkah is the same as Shabat Kodesh! This idea is unbelievable, but even more so is the difference between the way we reach the level of kdusha in each holiday. For Shabat, we have to prepare ourselves to receive the kdusha by ironing our suits, making sure our rooms are clean, doing the halacha of Shni Mikrah, tasting shabat food friday afternoon, etc. We have to keep on working spiritually, emotionally, and physically to bring the holy Shabat in. In CHANNUKAH IT IS DIFFERENT. The same light that sheds upon the world from the time of the Chasmonayim exists in the 8 days of the Chag! And the best part of it: We do not have to do anything to enjoy that spiritual light! This concept is huge. This is a huge gift from Aba, HaKadosh Baruch Hu! Let's all celebrate Channukah together by spreading the word and simply saying "Chag Sameach" with a smile to all Jews (even if we don't know them).

May Hashem Let the Light always Shine and Bring Happiness to All!

Shabat Shalom (2 more days) and Chag Sameach!


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