Monday, January 13, 2014

CLD #886

Us Jews usually aim to conquer this world in spiritual terms, such as doing Mitzvot and helping others so we can gain an advantage to get a first class ticket to Olam Haba, a.k.a. The World To Come (the Afterlife). Our Sages teach us that on the first days of The Creation G-d created light and darkness, but this light was stored in G-d's storage to be saved for the Tzadikkim (the righteous ones) for The World to Come.

This spiritual light is a total goodness that cannot be explained in simple words. It is beyond our capability of thinking. Therefore, most of us sadly aim to do Mitzvot, help others and accomplish spiritual tasks in order to enjoy from this light in The World to Come. However, the excitement of living a life of Torah should NOT mainly be for The World to Come, in reality an individual who lives in this world with accomplishing Torah and Mitzvot lives TO THE FULLEST in this world.

We always run to do things for The World to Come but if we take a minute to just look around us and see how beautiful a life of a Jew who keeps Torah and Mitzvot is we will RUN to continue doing more Mitzvot and living life CONNECTED to Hashem. 

Start looking around you and see how valuable a life of Torah is compared to a life of materialism and disconnection from the reality of life's gifts and beauties. The best part of all this is that an individual who chases this world to fill it up with Torah and Mitzvot will definitely reach that enjoyment of the "light" that Hashem created in the first days of Creation.

Smile, cuz G-d loves you.


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