Thursday, January 09, 2014

CLD #885

Our Parasha this week begins with Vayehi, this is speech in the Torah that symbolizes sadness.
Rabbi Nissim Levy shlit'a explains a beautiful concept about the reasoning behind w
hy the Torah testifies that there is sadness in the time of Israel leaving Egypt.

The Pasuk states: "It came to pass when Paroah let the people go." The question stands: why is the Torah testifying that there is language of sadness? If anything it should be completely the opposite!

Rav Nissim explains that Paroah was the one who was sad out of everyone. But an individual should ask: why was Paroah sad? The people who came into his country who destroyed everything in the end, these are the people who caused his first born to die!

But no, the Pasuk states in the Torah that Paroah let the people go, the people who are now A NATION. Rav Levy explains that this nation that Paroah saw before him leaving Egypt was THE NATION that was in the desert led by Moshe. It was THE NATION that was split up into 4 camps representing the 4 directions of the world, East South West North. On each side were 3 tribes of Israel, making up the 12 great tribes.

Paroah saw what he lost. Paroah saw what was not under his control anymore. He was upset because he KNOWS THE POWER OF ISRAEL!

The question ends off like this: do we, us Jews, know our own power? Our own potential? Do we appreciate our Judaism? Do we love ourselves?

B'H with the divine essence of the Holy Shabbat we should keep it to understand that Shabbat is the ultimate testimony that G-d exists. If we do not keep Shabbat, we testify that Hashem did not (G-d forbid) create the world.



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