Monday, May 13, 2013

CLD #880

When an individual performs the Mitzvah of Berit Milah (circumcision) on his 8 day old baby there are two special Berachot (blessings) that they say during this day. The first isAl HaMilah (the blessing stating the commandment of doing a Berit Milah) and the second is Lehikanes Leberito Shel Avraham Avinu (which is the blessing to continue the special covenant that was created between our forefather, Avraham, and Hashem). This shows that besides for the actual performance of the Mitzvah, there is also a connection that is created between the Jews and Hashem.

In regards to Shavuot, the central theme is Torah learning and the continuation of Torah throughout history. The two special berachot that an individual says every morning in Birkot HaTorah are Asher Kideshanu…Al Divrei Torah (to stress the commandment of learning Torah) and the second is Asher Bakhar Banu (to stress the special choice that Hashem made that He specifically chose US as His nation).

Rav Pinkus in his sichot (discussions) on Shavuot explains that on Shavuot, on the day of receiving the Torah, not only did we receive Mitzvot (special commandments that make us close to Hashem and receive eternal goodness), but also we received a special golden lock on our hearts that makes us Asher Bakhar Banu. We are chosen. Yes, you and me are chosen by Hashem went placed in front of ALL THE OTHER NATIONS.

Hashem literally tells us on Shavuot night: I WANT YOU! I WANT YOU TO BE CLOSE TO ME! I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU! And what do we have to do? Eat with our family, say berachot, go to Shul, enjoy singing and praising G-d, learning our holy Torah! What a simkha (happiness)!


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