Friday, April 26, 2013

CLD #875

Ki Kol Ish Asher Bo Mum Lo Yikrav Ish Iver o’Piseakh o’Huram o’Saruah (VaYikrah 21:18)

The pasuk on top explains that Kohanim (holy priests of the Bet HaMikdash) who have blemishes or are blind are not allowed to bring the sacrifices to the alter in the Bet HaMikdash. That is a beautiful piece of law and great for the Third Bet HaMikdash when Mashiakh comes and for Kohanim but at the end of the day, what does this have to do with me?

Sometimes we think we are perfect, we have 100% health, we are young and beautiful, everything seems so right. Even though we do need to thank Hashem for our health and use it for the greatest way of living with Hashem, we still need to remember that we are always put in specific places in life to perfect our middot (characteristic traits and behavior). Sometimes we are placed in difficult situations just to pray to Hashem and yell: HELP ME! Why? Because if Hashem loves us, He wants us close to Him like a father who loves his son. He wants to hear from us all the time, so therefore he puts us in situations that will make us come back and plead: Aba, I need your advice!

This Pasuk from our Parasha, Parashat Emor, comes to teach us to strengthen ourselves because sometimes we are spiritually blemished in our outlook and think what is true is false and what is right is wrong. Its to put us in a place of prayer to ask G-d for the correct outlook in our decision making. For example, someone might think that learning Torah all day is an actual disaster for society! Who will take care of all society’s issues? Who will make sure that X, Y, Z will get accomplished?! On the other hand, an individual with a spiritual mindset will see that this person is completely off and needs to work on their Bitakhon (trust in Hashem) and Emunah (belief in Hashem) because after all, if Hashem created the world I am pretty sure He knows how to run it and get X, Y, Z done.

This all connects to keeping Shabbat and resting on Shabbat Kodesh! When an individual has Shabbat they literally testify every week over and over again: G-d, I know you are in control of the world and when I am doing the Mitzvot you command me, whatever I think I am “losing out on” by keeping Shabbat I know you will take care of me and watch over me that in the end not only will I not lose out, but I will become more successful than everyone else.

Shabbat Shalom!

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