Monday, April 22, 2013

CLD #870

On this week’s Parasha, the Ben Ish Hai ZTK’L explains the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot a certain way that enlightens each reader. The Ben Ish Hai brings the 20th Mishnah in the Fourth Chapter of Pirkei Avot that says Do not look at the vessel, but at what it contains.

Now we are in the days of Sefirat HaOmer and if you haven’t noticed already these days are filled with difficulty that an individual has with his fellow. It is simply so easy to get into a mahloket (argument) over the simplest situations. What does the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot teach us? Do not look at the vessel and the outside of the situation, rather just look at the inside.

Every Jew has a Neshama, a link to Hashem > they are a part of Hashem. Why? The Torah teaches us that Hashem breathed into each Jew a Neshama. If someone breathes into a balloon, they obviously they are part of the balloon because the air that is inside it makes up the balloon as well as the plastic itself. Therefore, Hashem is the fundamental part of us that gives us life!

Be’ezrat Hashem during every situation when it is extremely easy to get angry at another person and judge them infavorably, we will see the individual as a child of Hashem that has a Neshama and Hashem inside them and judge them favorably with love and kedusha (purity).

Shavua Tov!

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