Monday, March 25, 2013

CLD #851

Tonight begins Khag Pesakh 5773! Meaning after 30 days of preparing from Purim until today, we have finally reached the zenith of kedusha (holiness) and spirituality for the entire Jewish nation. The rebirth begins tonight, the blossoming of each and everyone of our souls begins tonight, the redemption from any type of spiritual or realistic slavery begins tonight. Everything turns from not good to good, from good to better, from disapora to salvation!

The Lel HaSeder begins with two words, Kadesh Urkhatz, the first step in the Lel HaSeder night is to bless and sanctify the night by blessing on the first glass of wine and then we go through Netillat Yadayim without a beracha. (washing the hands without saying  Al Netilat Yadayim). What does this teach us? The great Ben Ish Hai has a remarkable and sweet (short) Devar Torah in his Haggadah.

He explains that if an individual unfortunately has a disease and has two options for medicine: one being a medicine that he takes to make him feel stronger and filled with energy and the other a medicine that gives him strength and energy but at the same time takes the disease away and has him recover, obviously the sick person will choose the second! The Ben Ish Hai explains that this is also the way we need to look at Torah and Mitzvot. Each Jewish person has negative characteristic traits and no one is perfect.

When we say Asher Kideshanu BeMitzvotav during blessings (which means: that He sanctified us through His commandments which we do) we need to realize the power of the good deeds we are commanded to accomplish. These Mitzvot have the strength to spiritually give us medication to eradicate all types of spiritual diseases, such as depression, worry, sorrow, stress, etc. This is what we mean through the first two steps in the Seder which start us off at the right path: Kadesh, become sanctified through Mitzvot Urkhatz and be washed, be cleaned from all the spiritual sicknesses! Sanctify your future to wash away your past!

Khag Kasher Ve Sameakh!

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