Thursday, March 07, 2013

CLD #836

Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit’a wrote a month ago about Shidduchim (dating and marriage) in his Halacha Yomit (daily halacha email). Tonight because of the power of the content in the email theCLD would like to share it with you. What did Rav Ovadia write [obviously he himself does not type it up] in it?

Rav Ovadia shlit’a brings down the Gemara (Talmud) from Sotah 2a Resh Lakish says one does not reach their zivug unless it is calculated due to his actions/deeds. The Gemara brings down a Pasuk from Tehillim Perek 125 that even backs up what Resh Lakish says! What does this mean? That an individual does not get set up in Shamayim (the Heavens) with their spouse until his/her actions are calculated and only based on their actions they are matched up. The Gemara immediately asks on this explanation that Rav Yehuda says in the name of Rav that 40 days before the fetus becomes a human Hashem already announces the match of the fetus!

How can it be that Resh Lakish’s words makes sense [that it is based on one’s deeds]? Rav Ovadia brings down Rav Tuviah HaLevi that says that indeed it is based on one’s deeds. How? The Gemara explains that the first shidduch (match/marriage) is literally matched 40 days before the creation of the fetus in the womb and even if the two are different in their actions they will still get married. Meaning if Moshe is a Tzadik and has even more deeds than Rivka, they will still get married because that is what was announced. However, where is the difference? When Moshe is a complete Rasha (wicked individual) and Rivka is a tzadeket (righteous woman). Then the ma’asim (deeds) of a person take place.
In the end of the day this teaches us the seriousness of letting Hashem do all the work and not worrying about these things. Do your hishtadlut (effort) and Hashem will make it happen. Everything that is negative connects to ga’ava (self pride) and everything in general connects to Emunah (faith in Hashem).


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