Thursday, March 28, 2013

CLD #853

Pesakh is a time of reform in our service of Hashem from an individual perspective to a community perspective. In one of the paragraphs of the Hallel (which we read every morning until next week) the chapter from Tehillim (114) which we read says: Yehuda became His holy nation Israel [is] His jurisdiction, Yehuda Hayta Lekodsho Israel Mamshelotav. The question is: why does David HaMelech write that Yehuda (the tribe of Judah) makes up G-d's holy nation and why not all 12 tribes?!

The Makhzor Kavanat Halev says beautifully in the name of one of the Rishonim (from 1,000 years ago) that Nakhshon ben Aminadav, the tribe leader of Judah, proposed an act of mesirut nefesh (giving up his life) for the entire people of Israel. Every Jew should learn from this act of sacrifice for their own group of people they can influence. What did Nakhshon do? Nakhshon was the first Jew who entered the Red Sea after the entire army of Egypt was chasing the Jewish nation into the water. On the verge of drowning during the last moment Hashem did a huge MIRACLE and KHESSED (kindness) with us by opening up the waters of Yam Suf!

This shows us that by taking individual steps that only involve us, in the end of the day we impact everyone around us and it can very well be that the smallest step can lead us to influence THE ENTIRE NATION TO REDEMPTION! When a halacha comes before us and there are people who are stubborn not to accomplish that halacha, we should be the ones on the front line pushing in a way of peace to reach a direction of doing the halacha!

Be'ezrat Hashem through the actions of Benei Yisrael thousands of years ago we should see in our days G-d performing great events for our own Geula and the coming of Mashiakh!

Mo'adim LeSimkha! 

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From Yalkut Yosef:

1. Whoever began saying the beracha (blessing) for Sefirat Ha'Omer and during the beracha they realized that it was not the day they thought it was of the Omer and right before stating the day of the Omer they remembered, in this case one should not repeat the beracha; rather they should simply continue stating the true date of the Omer and continue saying what is need to be said. For example if  someone thought tonight is the fifth day of the Omer when it really is the fourth and they already said the beracha, upon finishing they should just continue stating it is the fourth day of the Omer and not repeating the beracha and having in mind it is actually the fourth when before they thought it was the fifith.

2. One is permitted to cut their fingernails during Khol HaMo'ed, even with scissors. The minhag (custom) of our Ashkenazi brothers is to be strict.

Mo'adim LeSimkha!

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CLD #852

The Ben Ish Khai's Haggadah is enormously spiritual. It really is a beautiful Haggadah since it has many commentaries of the Ben Ish Khai on the peices of The Lel HaSeder that we read last night and two nights ago. One of the most powerful parts of the Seder (personally) is the part where we say together that Hashem was the 'individual' who took us out of Egypt, not an angel, not a messenger, not a redeemer or a human being, I- Hashem- and NO ONE ELSE!

Whenever an individual needs to go through a court case or something of the same sort, they need to follow a procedure. For example, for a college student to get information from a specific department in their school they usually should just call the department number and get their answer but colleges are not so direct. The person usually calls the main college number, gets transferred to a department, probably finds out its the wrong destination for his question and then somehow reaches the department to find out that the question he is asking has nothing to do with what he needs for his major.

For a court case to follow through it is somewhat the same way where the person has to face a judge and then is directed to different individuals on and on. Hashem did not deal with us, His nation, in the same way. Instead of bringing in a mediator Hashem directly dealt with us by fighting the Egyptians at the Red Sea! Hashem is our Judge, Hashem is the police, Hashem is our savior, Hashem is our fighter, Hashem is THE MAN! We must know that whatever we are going through in life, especially now when the same redemption feeling and mood is reviving in the world, we must trust Hashem!

G-d willing may we SEE and FEEL Hashem's redemption in our life hour by hour and SMILE through the reality of the geula (redemption) in our time amen!


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From Yalkut Yosef:

1. The days between the first and seventh days of Pesakh are called Khol HaMoed and The Torah calls these days Mikra'eh Kodesh. All these days are forbidden to do melacha (activities that are forbidden on Khol HaMoed). Therefore it is appropraite and recommended to wear fancy dress on Khol HaMoed and its a Mitzvah from the Torah to be in simkha (happiness) on Khol HaMoed by eating meat and drinking wine. One should greaten the happiness of his wife by buying for her clothing and jewelry. Lechatkhila (the best approach) is to eat bread (matzah) during the meals of the day during Khol HaMoed.

2. During these days of Khol HaMoed it is a Mitzvah to greaten the learning of Torah because Pikudei Hashem Mesamhei Lev (Tehillim 19:9 - The orders [Torah learning] of Hashem are genuine, rejoicing the heart). These days are also days where one is forbidden to do melacha in order to differentiate between regular and ordinary days of the week and Khol HaMoed (days between Yom Tov). 


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Monday, March 25, 2013

CLD #851

Tonight begins Khag Pesakh 5773! Meaning after 30 days of preparing from Purim until today, we have finally reached the zenith of kedusha (holiness) and spirituality for the entire Jewish nation. The rebirth begins tonight, the blossoming of each and everyone of our souls begins tonight, the redemption from any type of spiritual or realistic slavery begins tonight. Everything turns from not good to good, from good to better, from disapora to salvation!

The Lel HaSeder begins with two words, Kadesh Urkhatz, the first step in the Lel HaSeder night is to bless and sanctify the night by blessing on the first glass of wine and then we go through Netillat Yadayim without a beracha. (washing the hands without saying  Al Netilat Yadayim). What does this teach us? The great Ben Ish Hai has a remarkable and sweet (short) Devar Torah in his Haggadah.

He explains that if an individual unfortunately has a disease and has two options for medicine: one being a medicine that he takes to make him feel stronger and filled with energy and the other a medicine that gives him strength and energy but at the same time takes the disease away and has him recover, obviously the sick person will choose the second! The Ben Ish Hai explains that this is also the way we need to look at Torah and Mitzvot. Each Jewish person has negative characteristic traits and no one is perfect.

When we say Asher Kideshanu BeMitzvotav during blessings (which means: that He sanctified us through His commandments which we do) we need to realize the power of the good deeds we are commanded to accomplish. These Mitzvot have the strength to spiritually give us medication to eradicate all types of spiritual diseases, such as depression, worry, sorrow, stress, etc. This is what we mean through the first two steps in the Seder which start us off at the right path: Kadesh, become sanctified through Mitzvot Urkhatz and be washed, be cleaned from all the spiritual sicknesses! Sanctify your future to wash away your past!

Khag Kasher Ve Sameakh!

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From Yalkut Yosef:

1. One is forbidden to do any type of melacha after hatzot (midday: 1:01pm EST). The first reason is to avoid missing time to prepare for Pesakh and take time to bake Matzot for Lel HaSeder and other activities needed for Lel HaSeder. The second reason is because during the time of the Bet HaMikdash after hatzot on the 14th of Nissan (today) everyone would be involved in the sacrifice of the Korban HaPesakh!

2. Via a Non-Jew, a Jewish person can do all types of melachot that are forbidden to do from hatzot (Jewish midday) onwards. Since there is no Kedushat Yom Tov on the 14th of Nissan and its only the day before Yom Tov, there is no forbidden law that states a non-Jew cannot do an activity forbidden for a Jew to do. Therefore, a non-Jew can continue building a Jewish home if its in the middle of construction on Erev Pesakh even if its after Jewish midday. One is forbidden to create new tools, utensils, pots, pans, sew a new piece of clothing or any other type of product after hatzot (1:01pm). 

3. One is not allowed to get a haircut from another Jew after hatzot on Erev Pesakh (today after 1:01pm) unless this Jew is considered a poor man who cannot afford the basic foods needed for Lel HaSeder.


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

CLD #850

The Ben Ish Hai explains beautifully what we will Be'ezrat Hashem be doing tonight and how it connects to our overall service of Hashem. Its powerful Mussar (rebuke and awakening words) that bring us to a level of motivation perfect before Lel HaSeder to understand what life is all about. In the Ben Ish Hai's Haggadah on Pesakh for the Bedikat Hametz he explains that when the candle is lit to find the Hametz it symbolizes the ability to complete certain actions.

When the candle is lit we can enter a darkened room and view all the specifics of the room to the tiniest detail. However, when the candle is extinguished we cannot come to realize even the smallest thing that is happening! When an individual is still alive in this beautiful world of opportunity, they can reach great heights and accomplish the toughest tasks. However, after 120 there is no return to fix our actions.

The Ben Ish Hai ZTK'L explains that we should all internalize words that were written on a king's tombstone after his death: I, the King of Country X, conquered many countries and sat upon the greatest throne and look where my end rests. My bed is on dust and soil and I am covered by stone and cement..." This comes to teach us the importance behind Pesakh and that every Mitzvah will do will be our defender against all the evil we unfortunately have done in our lives!

These words of the great Ben Ish Hai is a wake up call for all of us to motivate ourselves and our loved ones to do the service of Hashem with love, because if our candle is still lit, if we are still alive, there is ALWAYS room for improvement and a positive ending!

Judaism=Think. Khag Kasher Ve Sameakh!
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From Yalkut Yosef:

1. In the beginning of the Eve of the 14th of Nissan (tonight around 7:52pm) we check for Hametz under candlelight. The time for this Bedikat Hametz begins after the sight of three stars in the sky (7:52pm EST). If an individual began checking for the Hametz after sunset and before tzet hakochavim (anytime between 7:11 and 7:52pm tonight), they still fulfilled the obligation of checking for Hametz.

2. One is forbidden to consume a meal of bread more than 56 grams before doing Bedikat Hametz tonight in the 30 minute time period before (meaning from 7:22pm one cannot have a full meal of bread/cake until they do Bedikat Hametz). However, consuming cake or bread that weighs less than 56 grams is allowed and all other foods such as fruits and vegetables are allowed to be consumed no matter how much is eaten.


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CLD #849

Rav Neventzhal shlit'a explains in his weekly Devar Torah newsletter the famous question of free choice: if Hashem runs the world then where do I stand with the "free choice" I supposedly have? He explains that there is a necessity for nature to act in the world Hashem created in order for an individual to have free choice. We are a couple of days away from Pesakh and the seven days of eating Matzah and revolving our actions around the exile of Egypt.

So what was so special about Yetziyat Mitzrayim? Everyone knows it was leaving through 12 rows of land IN THE SEA after the splitting of the Red Sea. Hashem added the natural powers to the world JUST so people will say "It's nature" and "Hashem has no part to this!" How much more difficult does Hashem make our Emunah journey? Isn't it weird that Hashem brings in nature for us to get confused and potentially believe less in Him? Hashem should make it obvious that He is running the world! Why all the confusion? 

Nature is actually the BEST ingredient in Emunah and the free choice that every Jew has. If it wasn't for nature no one would be able to overcome the nisayon (spiritual obstacles) of choosing Hashem as the controller of every situation. For example with the Red Sea, in order for an individual to truly believe that Hashem split the Sea they needed to be challenged with the option that "the past 24 hours it was abnormally windy and all the news channels reported that there will be gusts over 70 MPH!" If Hashem would reveal Himself to us we would be joking about His presence. Imagine walking down the block and after each tree you pass Hashem "pops out" saying "here I am!" 

Hashem brings down NATURAL events in our lives in order for us to choose to believe that He is behind all the controls and buttons!

Shavua Tov & Khag Kasher Ve Sameakh!

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Saturday, March 23, 2013


From Yalkut Yosef:

1. An individual who is cautious about hametz in general during the days of Pesakh has extra help from Shamayim (the Heavens) to avoid sin throughout the entire year. Therefore, before the 14th of Nissan (this Monday) we have the custom to clean all the rooms of the house and the outside property we own in a thorough way, in order to make sure there is no room for any suspicion of hametz on Pesakh in our property.

2. One should check in the pockets of clothing for hametz, especially in the pockets of children’s clothing and their backpacks. During Bedikat Hametz on the eve of the 14th of Nissan (Monday night), one does not to check their pockets and backpacks once more with the candlelight.


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Friday, March 22, 2013

CLD #848

Every individual of the Jewish nation has inside them a spark of holiness that will never cease to exist. It will be with him from birth until after 120. At creation, Hashem created a light that we do not see today, which is not the sun. This light, as Hazal (our Sages) explain in the Gemara (Hagigah 12a) is a spiritual everlasting light that makes an individual “see from one end of the world to another.” This treasured light is for the Tzadikkim (the Righteous). The Hiddush (hidden message) behind this Gemara is what the Midrash explains.

Rav Pinkus brings down this entire idea and says that Midrash explains that the Torah has inside of it a spiritual light that is meant for the Righteous and ONLY those who really learn and live by the Torah in fear and love of Hashem have the privilege to take advantage of it. This or ki tov is the root of the word Yom Tov, which we call the sanctified days of the Jewish Khagim (holidays).  Therefore, people who learn Torah on these Yamim Tovim (such as Pesakh that is going to be before us before we know it) actually receive the bits and pieces of this eternal spiritual light!

Baruch Hashem for Shabbat. Since the punishment of an action notifies us of the greatness behind the action we can come to say that Shabbat is the most spiritual and important day. For example, if someone violates the Shabbat they receive the punishment of death and if someone eats a sandwich on Yom Kippur they receive the punishment of karet which is a degree lighter on the punishment scale. So for our topic, how much more so should one receive this eternal spiritual light of kedusha when learning Torah ON SHABBAT! And this Shabbat is not no regular Shabbat, it is Shabbat HaGadol!

 This Shabbat is called Shabbat HaGadol. For the reasoning behind it, view CLD #554!

Shabbat HaGagaol Shalom!

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Translated from Yalkut Yosef:

1. This Shabbat, the Shabbat before Pesakh, is called Shabbat HaGadol, because of the miracle that occurred during this time. The unique Haftara of this Shabbat is “VeArva La” from the book Malachi Perek Gimel (Chapter 3). If the minhag (custom) of the Bet Kenesset (Shul) that one prays at is to do the natural Haftara of the week, then one does not change their minhag and says the natural Haftara.

2. It is a mandatory and holy task to gather as much people as possible in the congregation’s Batei Kenessiyot and Batei Midrashot (places of Torah learning and Shuls) to hear Dersahot (Divrei Torah and Halacha) to direct the nation to know what to do for the Pesakh holiday. The Rabbis who are giving the Divrei Torah  should include the story of the exile of Egypt and the Pesakh Haggadah. May the Rabbi be praised in this world and may he be surrounded by goodness in the world to come!

On this Shabbat, there are those who say “Shabbat HaGadol Shalom!”

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

CLD #847

We mentioned in past CLDs that even if we do not prepare for the holiness and greatness of Pesakh, WE STILL RECEIVE THE SPIRITUAL GOODNESS OF PESAKH! How does this make sense? Let us just say an individual who is singe, 35, has not been close to any Jewish facility in a while comes into Lel HaSeder with family and out of nowhere they start getting slowly slowly the holiness of the holiday. After a couple drinks of the wine and pieces of Matzah their spiritual side awakens and they begin wanting Hashem and really getting to the point of Kedusha (holiness) that tells them this is really what life is all about!

What should they do?! The last seven months I have been filled with spiritual filth and dirty from all places. How can I begin to serve Hashem?! How can I stand in front of Hashem with such actions in my past? How can I change in an hour? The answer is this is exactly what Benei Yisrael went through out of Egypt. Did you know there are 50 levels of tumah (impurity) and Am Yisrael was on the 49th level?!

The answer if because the Jewish Nation, IN UNITY, took it upon themselves to push everything aside and just focus on Hashem and the power they knew He had to rescue them from all situations! We can be stuck in a holocaust of Egypt (the exile was like leaving concentration camps > Egypt was worse than the Holocaust 70 years ago), we can be literally seeing NO light at the end of the tunnel, Pharoah is in our face with death and slavery all around >>> BUT WE KNOW HASHEM IS STILL HERE.

Rav Pinkus teaches that because Am Yisrael kidshu et hakhodesh (sanctified that a moment in the year begins the month of Nissan/the Redmeption) and literally went in the direction of Hashem even when all around them was darkness and no hope they had the zechut (privilege) to seeing the Divine Presence! Every Jew needs to understand that Lel HaSeder is the Call to Action by Hashem > wake up, let’s go, start watching more Mitzvot, take care of your spirituality! Why not take these couple of days before Pesakh to share these CLD’s and help spread the WAKE UP CALL!
Khag Kasher VeSameakh!

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Taken from Rav Ovadia’s Halacha Email on Lel HaSeder - Maror:

1. Everyone is obligated to eat a Kezayit (olive’s colume, approximately 27 grams) of Maror on the night of Pesakh. There are several kinds of vegetables that one may use for Maror, however the predominant custom today [especially among Sepharadim] is to use the leaves and stalks of Romaine lettuce to fulfill the Mitzvah of eating Maror.

2. One should be extremely careful when eating lettuce leaves to only use lettuce that was specially-grown to be worm-free, in which case a thorough washing to remove flies and the like will be sufficient for consumption. [When buying these leaves, one must be extremely careful that this lettuce should be under reliable Kashrut supervision, for unfortunately it is common in certain places that lettuce will be packaged in a plastic bag and present as though it were worm-free.]


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CLD #846

Yesterday’s CLD: 
Pesakh represents rebirth. A new beginning: just as the weather begins (BH very soon) to change and the world sees Hashem’s nature at play once again, so too our spiritual levels and spiritual realms. Where do we see this?

Rav Pinkus ZTK’L explains that there is quite a difference between Hametz and other foods that are forbidden to eat year round. For example there are four differences between eating has veshalom bacon and Hametz on Pesakh. There is no law that states that one is forbidden to look at bacon, however in Pesakh one cannot look at Hametz Bal Yera’eh. On Pesakh we are also commanded to take out all the Hametz from our belongings and properties. The third difference is with bacon there is no Mitzvah to burn it, however we all know that Monday morning we will be making a small bonfire burning bread and other foods. The final  difference is that there is no punishment of karet for consuming pig, however for a nice slice of pizza on Pesakh KARET on the spot!

Rav Pinkus explains that Hametz is life, because the main and essential form of consumption for all humans is bread/carbs. On Pesakh we look at the rest of the days of the year: You are what you eat. We are bread, because society relies on wheat. When someone eats pig they are like a pig. Pesakh comes to teach us that we also need to look and search and sometimes FILTER OUT the concept of “everyone.” Meaning the Hametz, which represents everyone (you are what you eat), is not always the best thing to do!

When a child asks: Abba can I drive the car? Do we give him the keys? No! The same thing is with Hametz on Pesakh > it just does not fit with the world’s standards during these seven days of the year and if we eat it we can simply result in horrible tragedies! Hametz is not a joke. We filter out the world and select what is Hashem’s way of doing things and what isn’t. This entire process leads us to be reborn!! Everything is about to bloom around us, Are you ready?


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Yesterday’s Halachot:
Taken from Rav Ovadia’s Halacha Yomit on Lel HaSeder-Kadesh:

1. The amount of wine one must drink during the Seder is one “Revi’it” per cup, which is about 81 cc (2.8 fluid ounces) per cup to be drunk without interruption, which means that one must drink all 2.8 fluid ounces in one shot for every dup drunk. However, if one just drank most of a Revi’it, which is approximately 1.5 fluid ounces, he has fulfilled his obligation and does not need to drink that cup again.

2. One who has difficulty drinking an entire Revi’it of wine and is lenient to only drink a majority of a Revi’it every time should be careful at least for the third or fourth cup to drink an entire Revi’it so that he may recite the “Al HaGefen” Blessing afterwards. (This is because regarding the “Al HaGefen” blessing, which is the blessing said after drinking enough wine, a majority of a Revi’it is not sufficient.) One who has difficulty drinking wine on the Seder night may in fact fulfill their obligation by drinking grape juice instead.


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

CLD #845

Rabbi Gamliel Rabinovitch shlit’a has a set of books called The Essence of… There is a pamphlet of one of his books that is translated into English just for Pesakh in yeshiva and it is filled with chizukim (strengthening excerpts) that fit for this week’s preparation of Pesakh!

The Rabbi explains that we go on such physical extremes to prepare the home, the night of Lel HaSeder and everything to do with Pesakh cleaning! We even make sure there are Kosher for Pesakh napkins and plastics. We are literally obsessed over the elimination of hametz (leavened grains). The greatness behind Pesakh is its center middah and “theme” of Emunah (belief in G-d). This faith in Hashem is literally shot into us even before we left our mother’s womb, however; due to the spiritual darkness of our generation some of us have spiritual deterrents that refrain us from believing in Hashem and the path of Torah.

Rabbi Rabinovitch explains that Pesakh is the time of cleaning and we do so much t make sure the night looks good. The only issue is the mistake people have. They usually stop at the physical cleaning of everything. They refrain from cleaning theyre penimiyut, there inner selves from all the impure thoughts and heretic ways of life that the non-Jews follow! He ends one of the excerpts like this: “how great would it be if, even more so, we enhance the spiritual aspect of our Pesakh preparations, preparing our minds and hearts so that we, as well as our children, will truly recognize and tangibly feel Emunah in Hashem Yitbarakh.”

And even if we do not prepare spiritually, the power of Pesakh is SO STRONG that the Emunah of Hashem enters our hearts and minds even without preparing! As it says in the pesukim (verses) of the redemption from Egypt: Ufasachti Aleichem, I will pass over you. Rashi explains that Ufasachti means to jump. This comes to teach that everything emanates from Hashem because the power of the Khag itself helps a person JUMP to true Emunah!

Khag Kasher veSameakh!

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Pesakh is MONDAY NIGHT, Its time to get serious about Pesakh!
Copied from Rav Ovadia's Halacha Yomit Emails:

1. The famous order of the Seder of the eve of Pesach, Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Magid, Rochtza, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Barech, Hallel, Nirtzah, was established by the pious Rashi. The entire Jewish nation customarily follows this order on the night of Pesach, as is printed in all Machzorim and Haggadot. Thank G-d, nowadays there are many revised editions of the “Passover Haggadah” available that clearly spell out the proper way to conduct the entire Pesach Seder. Anyone who is leading a Pesach Seder should be wise enough to purchase a Haggadah compiled according to the views of the leading rabbinical authorities of the generation.

2. The wine upon which one blesses “Borei Peri HaGefen” during the Seder and all year round must halachically consist of at least a majority of actual grapes (some are more stringent and require more than this amount). Wine that has a large amount of water, sugar, or other vegetables mixed in it does not retain the blessing of “Borei Peri HaGefen”, rather its blessing is “Shehakol Nihya Bidvaro”, just as it is simple that soft drinks which contain approximately ten percent grape juice require the “Shehakol” blessing. Even regarding wines which are under the supervision of various respectable Kashrut organizations, one should under no circumstances recite the blessing of “Borei Peri HaGefen” on them, unless the wine is known to be real wine and not fake, heavily-diluted wine, according to the Sephardic custom based on Maran HaBet Yosef. Even if it is printed directly on the wine bottle’s label that it is “Kosher even according to the opinion of Maran Ha’Bet Yosef”, this should not be relied upon, for some interpret the words of Maran HaBet Yosef in a way that is not in accordance with the traditional Sephardic custom, which is to recite “Borei Peri HaGefen” only on wine which consists of mostly grapes.


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CLD #844

Yesterday’s CLD:
The Ramban writes in Iggeret HaRamban [the famous pamphlet he wrote to his son over 1,000 years ago] that each individual who reads the pamphlet everyday will have all his/her prayers answered! What does the Ramban mainly discuss in his pamphlet? The power of anava, modesty and its importance for every Jewish person take upon themselves a lifestyle of anava with Hashem.

Pesakh is all about bringing ourselves down to a level of REAL modesty. Where do we see this in our face? The Matzah, Matzvot are unleavened bread, which represents the individual’s control of their characteristic traits and attitudes/behaviors to be filled with anava instead of the ga’ava (self-pride, haughtiness).

The Ramban
We also say everyday in Pitom HaKetoret that Hashem does not want honey or yeast in the Korbanot (animal sacrifices), because we do add certain foods/items to the Korbanot beside the animal itself (such as oil, wine, spices, etc.). What does the Seor represent? It represents the ga’ava, the self-pride and haughtiness attitude of “I did it myself” and “from my own strength this was accomplished.” Hashem HATES people like this. The ultimate characteristic trait is ANAVA, modesty, and that is why Moshe Rabbenu brought down the Torah and took the entire nation of Israel out of Egypt > because as the Torah testifies he was the most humble man that ever lived.

Be’ezrat Hashem this PEsakh, the holiday of bringing ourselves to the level of Matzot, UNleaveaned bread, we should really reach a level of Anava. This Anava will lead us to all channels of success, health and happiness!

Khag Kasher VeSameakh!

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Monday, March 18, 2013


Translated from Yalkut Yosef: Since the Blessing of Ilanot (Birkat HaIlanot) can now be said, today's Halachot discusses this Blessing that is said once a year.

1. One may not bless the Birkat HaIlanot on trees that do not produce fruits. One can only say Birkat HaIlanot on trees that produce fruits that at the time of the blessing opportunity have blooming flowers.

2.According to the essence of the law, it is permissible to say Birkat HaIlanot when at least two fruit trees are present, even if they are the same type of trees. An individual who says Birkat HaIlanot on many trees is praised.


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CLD #843

Sometimes during a flight people begin to worry when the plane hits turbulence and they start praying and turning their emotions, feelings and efforts to Hashem. Instead of becoming stressed out and yelling into a terrifying outrage people calm down and begin to wait patiently for the shaking and fear to go away.

The Yetzer Hara before Pesakh is also at full throttle trying to bring fights, arguments, mahlokot, and just negative energy into the world for the Jewish people before Pesakh comes in. We all know that Pesakh and the month of Nissan (the month we are currently in) is a time of Geula (redemption) where we have extra spiritual strength to go against the evil powers of Pharoah, which represents the evil powers of the impure spirituality.

What did we say happens during turbulence? People do get scared but they turn to Hashem in a clam fashion and KNOW that it will pass! The same thing goes for these seven days ahead of us that mark the week before Pesakh. We need to be cautious for signs of the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) to try to ruin the high spirits of Pesakh and at the same time know that if we are with Hashem throughout the cleaning and preparations, then IT WILL PASS!

Pesakh is a week away. This means that we have a week to prepare for the enormous kedusha (holiness) that is about to enter the world. How do we do this? We begin by preparing ourselves to become a keli kibul a vessel that is without any impure obstacles in front of it to let Hashem fill us up with kedusha, yirah and tahara (purity, holiness and fear of Heaven)!

Shavua Tov!

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