Sunday, January 20, 2013

CLD #794

The holy sefer (book) Tzeror HaMor, describes key concepts regarding each Hebrew month. With the reality that we are already a week plus into the holy month of Shevat and this Shabbat is Tu Bishvat let us bring a beautiful Torah learning about fruits and trees. It is known throughout Shas and Tanach that human beings are compared to trees (Devarim 20:19, Yeshayau 63:22, Yirmiyahu, Yehezkhel, Taanit 5b etc.). 

The Tzeror HaMor writes in the name of the Maharal that just like a fruit tree works all its lifespan to bring out beautiful fruits into the world, so too the Jewish individual works and puts effort into giving its own types of ‘fruit’ into the globe. The Maharal explains that the tree does everything to bring ripe fruits to their full growth. How much more so with us Jews?! How much should we prepare and put effort into channeling our actions and events to revolve around Mitzvot that are surrounded by spirituality and involve a deep connection with Hashem!

The wisdom behind our holy Torah is the power it has to turn the most physical and gashmi related event/item into a spiritual reality. The Even Ezra explains that the fruit of an invidual is not only there actions and Mitzvot, but also their neshama (soul) and wisdom. The entire effort in life should be used in order to RECOGNIZE Hashem’s power to create and His forever-lasting-ness.

Be’ezrat Hashem may we understand that just like a tree needs its surrounding environment and soil to be perfect for its growth so too our surrounding and home, our bayit ne’eman should be perfect for our growth as Jewish adults.

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