Thursday, December 27, 2012

CLD #771

In our Parasha, Parashat VaYehi, Yaakov Avinu blesses all his children, beginning with Yosef’s children: Ephraim and Menashe. After a glorious and famous beracha that he gives to them, Yaakov moves on to all his children: the miraculous Shivtei Yah. The order of the Shevatim is as follows (by mother): Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Yissachar, Zevulun (Leah’s boys), Yosef, Binyamin (Rachel’s boys), Gad, Asher (Bilhah’s boys), Naftali and Dan (Zilpah’s boys).

The beracha (blessing) that Yaakov gives Yehuda (Bereshit 49:11), or the Shevet of the Mashiah, the Messiah is explained through the word gefen, or grapevine. It is known that Hazal use the grapevine to represent Am Yisrael. Why the grape? Because grapes is a fruit that cannot be grafted with other fruits. Am Yisrael is also a nation that, when sticking to the Torah and the way of Hashem, it cannot be grafted and breached by impurity. 

Am Yisrael is a nation that loves itself, Am Yisrael is a nation that promotes Torah learning and progress and Am Yisrael is a nation that promotes reproducing a fresh generation of Jews that want to SERVE HASHEM!

It is known that Be’ezrat Hashem we are beginning the Six Week Span of Shovavim on Motzei Shabbat, which is the time that we read the Parshiyot (Torah portions) that contain the assembly of the Jews in Mitzrayim to create the Jewish nation! This is also a time to work on the madrega of yesod, the level of ‘foundation,’ which is represented by Ysoef HaTzadik in the Zohar.

This level pertains to all the forms of kedusha, purity. As Rav Bina shlit’a said tonight in Yerushalayim: if a Jewish individual does not believe that before living a life of Torah a Jew must live a life of kedusha (meaning shemirat ha’berit, watching over one’s actions to avoid any sexual immorality including ejaculation), then this person is not Jewish.

Be’ezrat Hashem may we receive strength to stay pure and happy in the direction of Torah and Mitzvot. Maybe we can continue by attempting to keep Shabbat?

Shabbat Shalom!

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