Thursday, December 27, 2012

CLD #770

Yesterday’s CLD:

The word Mitzvah, or commandment in Hebrew, comes from the action called Letzavot, or to gather/bring together. If someone takes a look at the Halachot we have on a daily basis, which includes Birkat HaMazon, Tefillah, Tzedakah, Hessed opportunities, etc. they can see that all these Mitzvot have something to do with more than a single individual.

The entire point of Judaism, as seen from the teachings of the great Tanna (Sage) Hillel and Rabi Akiva, is to accomplish the Mitzvah in VaYikrah: Ve’Ahavta Lera’acha Kamocha, Love your Fellow as you Love yourself. The point of Mitzvot is to remember Hashem and His kingship upon us as well as to remember that there are other people living in this world and there are others that we need to put in front of ourselves. Caring for others is fundamental in our lives and the act to do Hessed (charity/kindness among people) should be in our instinct.

Be’ezrat Hashem may we begin to realize that being Jewish and having the DIRECT connection with Hashem by having Neshamot (souls) is a privilege! May we also have the strength to regulate our HEARTS into our actions and have Hashem’s will in our reasoning for our actions.


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