Friday, November 23, 2012

CLD #738

Yaakov’s life was clearly not a simple one and filled with nisyonot (obstacles) and events that required a large amount of bitahon (trust) and emunah (faith) in Hashem to protect him. We see from this week’s Parasha, Parashat VaYetzeh, the direct similarity between the enemy of our Yaakov, Lavan, and the current enemy of Yaakov’s children (us) today: Hamas and their supporters. Before we get into that the beginning of the Parasha, where Yaakov arrives to Haran and sees the shepherds struggling with the well, has a daily lesson for us to learn.

When we know we are Jewish, when we know we are Hashem’s children and counterparts in this crazy world and generation, we know the impossible is possible. Yaakov Avinu sees the shepherds around the well with the boulder covering it and asks them some questions. He wants to know why they are just hanging out and being unproductive (shows us that Yaakov was a man of production, efficiency and speed). (Bereshit 29:2-10) One of the shepherds explain to him that they have to wait for several shepherds in order to move the boulder cover to get water from the well. Yaakov sees this as an issue. “If I know Hashem is with me why can’t I succeed alone? Hashem will give me the power and strength to move the boulder by myself, even if 50 people are needed to move this boulder!” The rest is known to all: Yaakov moves the boulder alone and everyone takes water for their sheep. This teaches us the concept of thinking outside the natural elements and boundaries of this world. For example, you will only find Jews dedicating their life to religious studies that produces ZERO END’S MEAT (kollel)! Why do us Jews live that way? Because we know Hashem runs this world.

Now to Hamas, imach shemam (may their name be erased). Lavan, Yaakov’s father in law and probably the biggest cheater in the Torah portrays exactly those who are enemies of Israel and the Jewish people today. Lavan, in the end of the Parasha, finds out Yaakov and his entire family ran away. Lavan chases Yaakov and refrains from hurting anyone because Hashem came to Lavan in a dream and told him not to do anything bad to Yaakov (Bereshit 31:29). If we look closely at Lavan we see ‘hamas’ written all over him. Earlier in the Parasha Rashi explains that Lavan was a well-respected individual in his city and had two daughters to marry off. This shows us that Lavan had a reputation to keep. Rashi also explains that when Rahel came to the well with the sheep, the Pasuk says clearly her father’s sheep and this comes to teach that Lavan did not leave anything for his daughters and was extremely selfish (Bereshit 31:15). And finally (even though there are much more similarities), Lavan in the end of the parasha yells at Yaakov after chasing him and says everything that Yaakov owns is his, the children, his wives, his wealth, his sheep, etc.

Our enemies always look to the world as the most respected even though they are in reality terrorists. There are millions of people who believe Hamas is a poor group of innocent people protecting the gaza civilians when we all know they use them as human shields. We see this similaritiy in Rashi when he explains Lavan’s importance in the city and the fact that he did not leave anything for Rahel or Leah as a nidunya (gift given to the groom) in order to get married. Lavan is double-faced, just like Hamas is to the world. Another similarity is Lavan’s attitude towards his children and grandchildren. The Torah clearly states that Lavan wanted to harm Yaakov and HIS ENTIRE FAMILY and then the Torah tells us that Lavan kisses them all goodbye as a sign of love. But wait, they’re not your kids? They’re not your grandchildren? Hamas clearly claims that they are targeting Israeli civilians, Hashem Yishmor! If anything, the minimum is to target the IDF for attacking them, but they clearly state their mission is to obliterate Israel and the Jewish People.

We must understand the severity of letting the world get confused and brainwashed to think Hamas are innocent and their actions are justified. Yaakov Avinu tells it straight to Lavan’s face: you cheated me 100 times with my salary! How many times will the world get cheated from the truth about terrorist and their thirst for blood?
Shabbat Shalom.

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