Thursday, October 25, 2012

CLD #714

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.     

[Yesterday’s CLD]
In Masechet Berakhot, the first tractate in the Talmud, there is a teaching that one should not eat before they learn, as it says in Parashat Kedoshim (The Book of VaYikrah), Lo Tochlu Al HaDam, Do Not Eat on The Blood. Our Hachamim (Sages) learn from this that before one eats, they should pray on their own flesh and blood. The Hachamim continue in Masechet Berakhot (10b) that this directly connects to one’s Ga’ava and shows that one has this horrible trait of self-pride (or boastfulness) that is despised by Hashem and the Tanach (which is packed with verses against this attitude).

The Ben Ish Hai in his famous book on the Shas, Ben Yehoyada on this page of Berakhot discusses this teaching and asks what this has to do with one being a Ga’avtan (filled with self-pride)? He continues to say that the reason why one should pray before they eat or drink is to show that without food, drink and money to buy anything, I show that everything is from Hashem. He brings a beautiful mashal that must be shared. There was once a man who received a large fortune from the king of the country that was given in the beginning of the year every year of his reign. The individual is financed and supported fully from the king and the fortune was enough to support him for everyday. Before going to the marketplace to buy food, drink and clothing, this man would walk out of his way and stand for a couple seconds in the garden of the palace and then would continue to the shuk (the market).

His friend in the marketplace would see him come later than other people everyday and found out this individual would go to the king’s palace, stand there like a fool for a couple seconds and only then would arrive at the store. He asked him, my dear friend, why do you go out of your way completely without any reason?! He answered: even though I take out money from my own pocket every morning and buy my necessities, in the end of the day these coins and bills do not belong to me and even though my family and friends see me take out the money from my own pocket. Therefore, every morning I walk to the palace to remind myself and to remind my family that we have financial security from the king.

The nimshal (lesson) is obvious. Everyday we need to come to The King’s Palace, the Bet Kenesset (synagogue), to pray for our needs, to show even though I take out money from my own bank account and my own wallet, really in the end of the day it comes from Hashem’s table of fortune and rahamim (mercy). The Ben Ish Hai ends that because of this act of remembering where the money comes from, this individual will never stop appreciating life and all the good Hashem does for him. Therefore, an individual who eats before praying in the morning is showing that he thinks his own strength and power caused him to bring food to the table. This is why Hashem teaches us through our Sages in the Talmud that one who does not pray before they eat is the ultimate Ga’avtan, the haughty individual.


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