Monday, September 24, 2012


For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Yaakov Hai ben Margalit shlit’a.
Translated from Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:

1. It is a mitzvah to greaten one’s intake of food and drink during Erev Yom HaKippurim (the day before the fast, this year falls TOMORROW September 25th). This Halacha was learned in the Talmud in Masechet Berachot (8b) and Rosh HaShanah (9a) from a Pasuk (verse) in the Torah. The Pasuk says to fast on the 9th of the month but we know Yom Kippur falls on the 10th of the month, so Hachamim (our Sages) taught that when one greatens his/her intake of meals on the 9th of the month its as if he/she fasted both on the 9th and 10th of Tishrei. It goes as far as lessening one’s limud Torah (learning) to have more meals! Therefore, one who does melacha (work, parnasa) during the 9th of the month does not see any beracha (blessing) from that money forever.

2. Lechatihila (the best option) is to have at least one meal with bread on Erev Yom Kippur (tomorrow) to fulfill the mitzvah of eating on Erev Yom HaKippurim. Women are also obligated to fulfill this mitzvah.

3. Those who wake up early Erev Yom Kippur (tomorrow morning before dawn) to say selihot can say vidui and nefilat apayim (tahanoon). However, in the Shaharit Tefillah (morning prayer), even if its immediately after selihot, we do not say vidui and nefilat apayim (tahanoon) because the ‘light’ of Yom Tov is nearing. We do not say the mizmorim and parts of Tefillah (prayer) that are also not said when Tahanoon is not said as well.

Gemar Hatima Tova!

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