Sunday, September 30, 2012

CLD #694

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L, Yissachar ben Yona ZT’L and Haviva bat Yocheved Z’L.
We just heard the extremely deep Parasha Ha’azinu (that is filled with secrets of the future). What is Ha’azinu in gematriya (numerical value)? Seventy Nine: Hei-5, Aleph-1, Zayin-7, Yud-10, Nun-50, Vav-6. With the Kollel (+1), Ha’azinu comes out to 80. It says in Tehillim Perek Tzadik (90): “The days of our years are seventy years, and if with increase, eighty years…” This Pasuk (verse) of Tehillim comes to teach us from David HaMelech that one’s lifetime is 80 years. IN 80 years we could do so much, but really: how do we know if we went in a life the way Hashem wants us to live? A lifestyle of Torah and Mitzvot and a pumping heart with every drop of blood living and moving around the body for Hashem’s praise? How do we know we were correct?

We have to look at the ‘fruits’ or ‘offspring’ of our actions. For example, the only way you know if you did well after an hour of studying is by taking a test. If you are not tested, you do not know if the studying was worthwhile. Therefore, we look at the number of pesukim (verses) Ha;azinu has. It has exactly 52, which is the gematriya (numerical value) of ben (son). The way you know if you spiritually succeeded or not is based on the fruit, the son, of your actions of your life.

Sukkot begins in less than 24 hours. Some of us don’t remember Sukkot last year and its spiritual outcome, but we certainly remember Yom Kippur a couple days ago and probably Rosh HaShanah. We must think: what did I do these past holidays that made it worthwhile? How did I prepare for these past holidays that caused my heart to really be ready for the spiritual light? Why not do the same for Sukkot? Preparation and planning is the key for success in the physical, so why don’t you think that’s true for the spiritual as well? Be’ezrat Hashem you should experience Erev Yom Tov (tomorrow) filled with happiness and emunah.

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