Sunday, August 26, 2012

CLD #669

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
When G-d forbid someone from the Jewish Nation has a lethal disease, everyone hears about it and begins praying. They see the bodily changes the sick person must go through. They see the person suffer. They see the family getting stronger on a religious level. And on and on. Does anyone complain about the side effects of the medication the sick person goes through?

When a child is walking on the beach and for two whole minutes a mother or father see the child running into the water, do the parents just sit there or they jump up like wild animals to prevent the child from entering the water? We all know the answer and it is obvious. The child does not know that it is bad and he begins wailing!

When we hear of a friend or close relative who goes through the Teshuva and Religious strengthening period and change in his/her life we also see them suffer. They have to deal with the people in their life who are not religious and try to explain to them all these different things about Torah, etc. They also have to deal with closing their businesses on Shabbat, paying more money to send their children to Jewish schools, making sure their children stop being extremely friendly with non-religious people because it is not the influence they want their children to be around. Teshuva is not easy. But it is the most fulfilling time a person will have their entire life because it is the truth and once you taste it you never want it to leave.

However, in Elul (the month we are currently in), Teshuva is different. Rav Shlomo Pinto shlit’a explains that during Elul there are no issurim (suffering) or tzarot (problems) when someone does Teshuva. Therefore, why not take advantage of such a spiritually merciful time like RIGHT NOW and do Teshuva. Take things upon yourself and start doing them because YOU WILL SEE HASHEM HELPING YOU!

Jump on the bus. Get on that plane. Make the boat. Catch the train. Now is the time.
Just do it.
B’H just don’t forget to do it with a smile.

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