Saturday, August 25, 2012

CLD #668

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Orhot Tzaddikim teaches that the seven things that Hashem created before creating the world were: The Torah, Teshuva (repentance), Gan Eden (‘Heaven’), Gehinam (‘Hell’), Kiseh HaKavod (Hashem’s Throne of Judgment), The Name of the Mashiah (Messiah) and the Bet HaMikdash.

Considering that we are already more than a week into Hodesh Elul, the month of Rahamim (mercy) and Teshuva (repentance), lets look at this list a little deeper. The order of the list is also important. The Torah is the first thing Hashem created. Considering the unlimited amount of knowledge the Torah provides Jews with, we can speak about it for years and years and not even understand a single Mitzvah to its core! The Torah has 613 Mitzvot, some that are Mitzvot Aseh (positive, active commandments) and some Mitzvot Lo Ta’aseh which instruct us to avoid doing certain actions. Because of the way Hashem structured the Torah, He created Gan Eden and Gehinam.

After bringing in places of reward and punishment into the picture, Hashem created His own Throne of Glory, the Kisseh HaKavod, to use as a place for judgment. However, we already skipped one of the creations before the world was created: Teshuva (repentance). Because its Hodesh Elul and Judgment Day is around the corner (Rosh HaShanah), we must understand that Hashem knows its hard! Living a Jewish life is everlastingly rewarding, but it is difficult. At the same time if we understand the heavy love Hashem has for us and understanding of our desires that He put into our system, we will see living a Jewish life is not difficult and the entire thought of difficulty is just in our head.

Therefore, even if we have fallen and sinned and whatever the spiritual level we are on, we still have Teshuva to rely on! Hashem knew that the Torah asks of us many things, therefore He brought Teshuva into the ballgame to tell us: ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD AND DON’T FALL! The future is bright and is filled with many bumps and obstacles, but we just need to take that extra step, Teshuva, and it will all fit clearly like an easy puzzle. Believe and it will work out in the end.

By the way, after someone does real true Teshuva from the heart, Hashem takes the person back to the spiritual level they were at before the sin. But it must be real. Remember, you can’t fool your creator like you can easily fool flesh and blood.

Shavua Tov and BH we should stay strong this month (spiritually and physically)!

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