Thursday, August 23, 2012

CLD #667

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L & Yissachar ben Yona Z’L.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus ZT’L explains that there are three main rules regarding kabalat penei Shehina (welcoming the Divine Presence). We learn these rules from the Pesukim (verses) from accepting Torah at Har Sinai in Sefer VaYikrah.

These three main rules are: 1) Dressing for the part. 2) Preparing for the Schehina’s welcoming and 3) Actually welcoming the Shehina. This directly parallels to the welcoming of the Holy Shabbat. Rav Pinkus adds that the Shabbat is not an object or simply another day of the week, rather its on the level of a living thing that breathes and speaks and socializes. Therefore on Shabbat we wear clothes that are extra special, wait for the Shabbat by doing all our last minute errands way before Shabbat comes in and go to Shul early to accept it by saying Lecha Dodi.

There is a piece of Hazal (writing from our Sages) that breaks down a conversation that happened between Shabbat and Hashem. The Shabbat complained: everyday of the week has a zivug (soulmate), Sunday-Friday/Monday-Thursday/Tuesday-Wednesday, but I am all alone?! Hashem answered: don’t worry holy Shabbat your zivug is the most special of all: your zivug is Am Yisrael.

Rav Pinkus also explains in his book on Shabbat that one should try to reach a level of fear in Shabbat itself. Meaning fear of its greatness. Shabbat is a present, use it wisely. Don’t waste it on a day at the beach of a day of sleeping through it completely (even if it means you’re “keeping it.”) Be active. Be Jewish.

Shabbat Shalom!

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