Sunday, July 08, 2012

CLD #632

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L and Haviva bat Yocheved Z’L.
There is one thing that Yom Kippur and even crying to Hashem directly will not help. This is hurting someone else’s feeling and being on bad terms with them. Gan Emunah explains if someone has another person offended because of something they did their Tefillah (prayer) is not answered in Shamayim (the Heavens). Its like having a relationship that causes us together to plant a seed and have a tree grow from it. When something is secret and its negative, its like putting up a wall in front of this plant to encourage its death.

We all should try to communicate with eachother in the most clear way possible. To explain to one another how important his/her feelings are and how much they need to be heard is crucial for the growth of friendship. Each individual on this planet was created through Hashem’s image. Therefore, we must understand we are all equal on a physical level. If we feel offended we need to speak up and let people know because maybe I am causing X to not receive any shefa (spiritual benefit) from shamayim because they offended me.

B’H we should strive to be like Aharon HaKohen, Ohev Shalom VeRodef Shalom, a person who loves peace and runs after peace. If you see someone you dislike or have had issues with, smile at them or let them know you are upset. If you know two people who are not on the best of terms do not bring the person up in a conversation so they can begin ranting how bad the other is or maybe try explaining how the person’s intention was off. Every problem has a solution.


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