Friday, June 01, 2012

CLD #603

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Mario is a game that is internationally famous. From past CLDs, we already know the obvious: we can learn from the physical world about the spiritual world. Mario is another example of that simple concept. How?

Mario is a basic game where the character goes through adventures and at the end of every round he beats the boss to bring home the captured princess. Mario has a specific objective.

We can say the same thing about the Neshama, the Jewish soul that is the body’s engine for life and is the center and reason for living. As a Jewish Nation, we are in the world to fix the Het (sin) of Adam HaRishon. Therefore, throughout our lives we go through major Nisyonot (spiritual tests) to overcome specific challenges and be placed on higher levels of kedusha (purity).

We can see that in Mario, just like Mario goes through an X amount of levels to beat the boss every round and get to the main objective, so too the Jew who has 10 major tests (which we learn from Avraham Avinu who also went through 10 major tests). Each round in Mario has a boss, which explains the intense Yezter Hara behind every major nisayon one goes through in life.

B’H we should realize that this world is simply to make Hashem happy by fixing Adam HaRishon’s major mistake. Life is filled with serious decisions, but in the end of the day its just a game against Yetzer Hara.


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same could go for any video game tho. how is this specific to mario....

Good point. Someone in my yeshiva has the mario theme song as their ringtone so it had me thinking and then everything just fit so perfectly BH.

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