For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
“LaMenatzeach Al
Ayelet HaShachar Mizmor Le’David…” Perek Kaf-Bet (22) in Tehillim is a
little snapshot of what went down in Achashverosh’s palace during Esther’s
famous 3-day (78 hour) Fast!
What happened? Masechet Megillah (15b) in the First Perek
(Chapter) explains that Ayelet HaShachar
in Tehillim is Queen Esther. As we all know, Haman the Rasha set up a lottery
to see on which day and month he will eliminate the entire Jewish Nation. With
the a-okay from the King of the entire world, Achashverosh (who ruled all 127
countries at the time), Haman had everything in his hands! After the lottery
the date 14 Adar came up. With this news, Mordechai immediately turned to
Hashem and to Esther. Mordechai was sitting outside the Palace Doors with a sac
and pure soil on his back in mourning so Hashem sees one of the biggest
Tzadikkim in desperation for salvation! Imagine seeing Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a
outside U.S. Congress in a sac and soil from the public park on his back crying
and yelling for the mercy of Am Yisrael (scary to even picture it)!
So Mordechai tells Esther to fast for 78 hours, and we
complain about Yom Kippur! Did you know the Midrash says Esther was 80 years
old?! So Esther in her strength and incredible belief in Hashem that He will
save her from all troubles asks the King’s servants to tell the King she wants
to speak with him. This is nothing like a regular meeting with a America’s
president or the toughest people to meet with, this is like a meeting with the
slightest mistake ends in death. We need to understand the graveness behind
Esther’s actions! But no, nothing stood in her way; with the Divine Presence of
Hashem resting inside her, she knew Hashem’s power is stronger than anything
out there.
The Gemara (15b) says Esther was waiting outside the
ballroom where the King’s throne is placed. The Gemara explains that the Waiting
Room was really a place filled with the Goyim’s Idols, so the Divine Presence
left Esther. At this moment of complete rock-bottom spirituality, Esther
prayed! The entire Perek in Tehillim talks about what Esther told Hashem in
that moment of life and death!
This teaches us that we cannot wait to get into ridiculously
scary situations to turn to Hashem. Why not turn to Hashem now for help?! After
all, Hashem brings suffering upon people because He wants to listen to their
Tefillot! Hashem loves all of us and wants us to speak to Him.
How do your parents feel when you don’t call or communicate
with them? What makes you think Hashem is any different. Our spiritual identity
and level relies on speaking with Hashem and turning to Him for help and
Purim is in 8 days.
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