Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CLD #525

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L. Lehavdeel For the Refua Shlema of Chai Yaakov ben Margalit shlit’a & Aharon ben Miriam.
In Finance we are learning about Future Value and Present Value of money in all types of situations. For example, if you have in your savings account $5,218 with an annual interest rate of 6.8% then using specific formulas (if every other factor stays constant) you can find out how much that money will be worth in X amount of years.
From thinking about this on one’s free time, theCLD believes we can learn and become inspired to continue behaving according to the Torah and living Jewish lives. How?
We see from this that there is a limited value on money. Money can never be infinity. Even if one fills up an entire basketball court with bills (Benjamins we would hope) eventually they will be able to count it. It has physical boundaries to it so it is physically bounded.
Our spiritual dollar bills have nothing to do with boundaries, benjamins, or any type of basketball courts! Our spiritual dollars lie in our heart that craves the closeness to Hashem wherever we are. Many Rabbis in there middle of their speech always give Mussar by saying it doesn’t matter how many years one has been wearing a Kippa or how many years a girl took upon herself the beauty behind wearing Tzniyut (modest) clothing; a person can be in a Casino at 5 in the morning with no kippa, holding a half-clothed model in one hand and a drink in another with the greatest and utmost feeling of betraying Hashem and the need to open up an Aaron HaKodesh and cry his eyes out why he isn’t going in the way of Hashem.
However at the same time its all based on our actions. Many of us tell ourselves: My Heart is religious, I believe in G-d, I am okay. But do we actually do anything? Do we physically act as examples of Hashem’s army in the world by getting up to do Netillat Yadayim in a Restaurant or taking out the Kippa in our pocket to say a Beracha on the shot of tequila? We can influence others so easily and channel the good in our system to further bring some good to the Jewish reputation but we don’t believe in ourselves.
Money is bounded, Torah is boundless. Actually, because of the Torah the world exists, and because of Torah boundaries are set. Therefore, the Torah holds the boundaries to our lives.

The Power of Purim lies in Esther and Mordechai’s effect on the entire nation to do Teshuvah in times of need. We hope to bring Mashiach without getting into a dead-end situation relying on Teshuva. We need to bring Mashiach BH out of love for each other and the struggle to perfect our actions based on the Torah. B’H the spiritual force of Purim will enter our hearts to jump and realize how much work needs to get done! And after that BH we should all reach true happiness and success through living a life of a real Jew.
Purim is in 9 days; did you start preparing mentally yet?

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