Sunday, February 26, 2012

CLD #524

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There are many simple messages in Megillat Esther that back up such huge concepts! For example, the Gemara on Daf Tet Zayin Amud Aleph (16a) brings in the pasuk that speaks about Haman building the tall tree to hang Mordechai (or at least that was the Rasha’s plan). The Pasuk (Esther 6:4) literally says: “…VeHaman Ba LaChatzer Bet HaMelech HaChitzona Lemor LaMelech Litlot Et Mordechai Al Ha’Etz Asher Hechin Lo,” For Haman just entered the outer court of the royal palace, to speak to the king about having Mordechai impaled on the stake he had prepared for him. The Gemara zooms into the words “Hechin Lo” (for him) and teaches: It is literally ‘for him.’ Meaning that Haman had the intention of setting up a ‘stake’/tree to hang Mordechai but the reality was that Haman was building the device that will lead to his own death.
We see here that nothing in the world is left without a calculation/reason for why it was created. In last week’s Parasha, Parashat Terumah, there is a list of natural substances, animal hides, and elements used to construct all the pieces of the Mishkan (look at yesterday’s CLD). One of them is the Tachash, which is an animal no longer with us today. This animal in its Aramic translation is called “Sasgvaneh,” which is an animal that is proud of its own highlighted skin. This animal’s skin was used for the Mishkan because it had a range of multi-colored hide! The Gemara says that Hashem created this animal just for the building of the Mishkan! Even more so, in Purim; if we break apart all the events of the Megillah they seem so natural as if G-d doesn’t need to do anything. However if we bring all the events together, we absolutely cannot say that Hashem’s hand was not controlling the situation! Megillat Esther (Esther coming from the root of the Hebrew word “hidden”) is literally a book of Tanach that reveals the ‘hidden’ presence of Hashem in everything. We must have 100% Emunah that Hashem can save us from all situations, no matter how dangerous or how scary!
This entire Limud (Piece of Torah) is taught from 2 words in the Pasuk. TWO WORDS. Imagine how much knowledge and Torah base one gets after learning a Masechet of Mishnayot or even a Masechet of Gemara. Imagine knowing all of the Torah by heart. Imagine adding to that the entire Shas, now add in all the commentary on Shas with the entire Shulchan Aruch, its commentary and all the books of Halacha (Jewish Law) that are published in our generation. That’s not even a slice of the pie of Rav Ovadya Yosef shlit’a’s knowledge. Being the Gedol Hador he has the entire Torah on his fingertips. And as much as we want to believe there is an end to the Torah’s everlasting essence and Chochma, it actually never ends. And the pie is there for everyone to take a bite!

SHAVUA TOV! PURIM is in 10 days!

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