Friday, February 24, 2012

CLD #522

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
From a Talmid Chacham in Yeshivat Shuva Israel (NY, NY):
In Parashat HaShavua, Parashat Terumah, we see that Hashem commands Am Yisrael to build The Mishkan (Tabernacle), a Home for Hashem where His Divine Presence rests. Also in our Parasha it is written ‘between the lines’ to build a future Home of Hashem, The Beit Mikdash, in Yerushalayim Ir HaKadosh.
As written in previous CLD Halachot, Bet HaKnesset (Shul/Kenisah) is called a Mikdash Meat (Mini Beit Mikdash) and a similar holiness that rests in the Mikdash also rests in a Bet Knesset. Therefore, just like someone understands clearly to respect and to be in Fear of Hashem (not fear because they are afraid but fear because of the greatness that rests there) when they are in the area of the Beit HaMikdash (BBA), so too one needs to be in Fear of Heaven and G-d forbid not to belittle the respect and the greatness of a Bet Knesset.
Why did the Holocaust happen?
It is written in Holy Sefarim in the name of The Admor MiGur ZT’L (The great Ashkenazic Hassidish author of the Imrei Emet) the reason why the Holocaust did not happen in the Sephardic countries because they respected the Holy Presence that rested in Batei Knessiyot and Batei Midrashot (Shuls and Places where Limud Torah was learnt) by not speaking words idle chatter (Devarim Betellim). This zchut (privilege) stood up against the evil powers of the enemies and protected over the people in the Sephardic countries.
It is written in the book Kvod Bet Hashem (Page 225) that a man from Antwerp, Belgium remembered from his childhood that people in the community held great Fear of Hashem in the Mikdash (Bet Knesset) and did not speak at all. If there was a stranger that would come in to pray and would speak during the Tefillah (prayer), the Shamash (like a Gabbai, Shul operator) would come up to him with a note that would say: “In this Shul we do not speak during Prayer Times!” If the person would continue to speak, the Shamash would come to him, take him by the shirt and would drag him out of the Shul. This same person who explained this story said that this same Bet Knesset did not get destroyed during the Holocaust! The German Nazis Imach Shemam (may their names be erased), did not touch a single brick of this Shul, even all the Sefarim and Sifrei Torah were left their complete without any damage.
And it is known that one of the Ancient Segulot (actions that one does that result in reward) is Tefillah (Prayer) and we need to know that the Tefillah is heard much better in Shamayim (the Heavens) in a Shul where no one speaks idle chatter.
This Shabbat Kadosh is the Hillulah (Yortzite) of the Holy Admor MiGur ZT’L (that wrote The Bet Yisrael) and he explained the Pasuk: “Hashem Yelachem Lachem Ve’Atem Tacharishoon,” Hashem shall fight for you, but you shall remain silent, (Shemot 14:14), that if you will be silent in Bet Knesset Hashem will fight for us. What does that mean to fight for us? Hashem will protect us or on a deeper level Hashem will give us Lechem (sounds like the word Yelachem) if we are silent in Bet Knesset!

Hashem will hand us the privilege that we will keep silent in Bet Knesset and all our Tefillot will be answered (especially in such an uplifting month like Adar with Purim right around the corner)!
Shabbat Shalom & Chodesh Tov!

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