For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
What is Tefillin like? In Ironman we know the main character
builds a super technologically advanced suit that has a special arm repulsor
weapon and an even more sophisticated helmet that just looks cool. Lehavdeel,
in order to understand in our tiny brains what the concept of wearing Tefillin
is, we can compare it to the power of having an arm repulsor and an Ironman
When one believes in the Torah, they know that when
following it they are just surrounded by Hashem’s greatness and love.
This is why David HaMelech reached the super high spiritual
levels that he reached! He understood that everything is from Hashem and
instead of dwelling and failing inside the problem, we just need to turn to
Hashem for the solution or at least the relaxation that is urgently needed in
times of stress.
Be’ezrat Hashem we can see that in one of David HaMelech’s
most famous books. It has 150 Perakim and is part of Tanach. This book is
called Tehillim, or Pslams. In Perek 42 David HaMelech compares his need to be
close to Hashem like a deer that is thirsty for water. David HaMelech writes
like this: “ As a deer cries for rivulets of water, so does my soul cry
longingly to you, O G-d.” We can literally hear David’s weeping and crying to
Hashem to just be glued to Him! David HaMelech doesn't have anything better to do? He constantly has enemies to take care of or run away from. He has a huge nation to lead (especially being Jews it was porbably extremely difficult). He has to worry about the heir to the family and the quarries and murders between them for the next generation's power. Anyway, what happened was and will always be in the hands of Hashem.
Be’ezrat Hashem even if we just understand where David is
coming from we know we are on the correct path of living as Ivdei Hashem and
continuing to grow spiritually.
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