Thursday, January 26, 2012

CLD #496

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
We can get Chizuk (religious inspiration) from everything in this world. Baruch Hashem this CLD is being written in Rav Darmoni shlit’a’s class in Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh.
We discussed in class the project runtime behind the famous Mishnah Berurah, the Six Set Volume of the Shulchan Aruch broken down by the great Chafetz Chaim from the mid-19th Century. These books are the core learning for all of Am Yisrael today (the Sephardic version of the Mishnah Berurah, the Kaf HaChaim, is said to be on a much higher level in order for the simple Jew on the street to learn Shulchan Aruch).
The Mishnah Berurah is in every normal Jewish home, it is the book that the average Jew opens to know Halacha. It breaks down the Shulchan Aruch (which is all the practical Jewish Halachot explained in a 4 Volume Set over 500 years ago). Now that we know the importance of the Mishnah Berurah, we can understand why it took a wopping 18 years to write it down.
What can we compare the Mishnah Berurah to? To train tracks. Normal train tracks in the average Israeli city. Let’s look at them. It takes many many months to construct these train tracks to work properly with a 10,000 ton Train gliding on them. But wait! How long does the train run on the track? Three to Four seconds? Two seconds? We see that the months and months of work are worth a couple seconds?
Absolutely not. We all know how important each train track is for the entire community riding on the trains, for the entire train system to work, and in the big picture for the entire country to operate more efficiently. The same goes for the 18 year work that the Chafetz Chaim and his holy son put in for the Mishnah Berurah. They weren’t looking at the side that each home in the future will have their books. NO! They were looking at greatening the Torah for all of Israel to get stronger in their personal work of Hashem.
Now let’s go up a step higher. The same goes for our Limud Torah, our Work to connect with Hashem during Tefillah, and our work by respecting our Parents and other people in general. We all look in the past, and see we have accomplished a, b, c, d, etc. (Baruch Hashem). Now we see it is put in use so quickly. For example, we work months and months on our Anger. We tell ourselves: every time I get angry Bli Neder I am puttgin $10.00 in Tzedaka. After many months Anger is not even a word in the person’s vocabulary. Does the person look back at all his/her work in the past months and say this was for nothing? This is all for putting anger in the garbage and moving forward in my Avodat Hashem? Absolutely not.

We can always move forward AND THE WORK IS WORTH IT.

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