Tuesday, January 24, 2012

CLD #494

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
There are many of us that have 100% Emunah in Hashem. We believe there is a Creator. We believe Baruch Hashem that there is some supreme being a billion trillion times more powerful than all of the human race together! We believe there is always a reason for x y and z to occur just because He wants it to happen that time in that way. We believe.
There is no real challenge today with the vast amount of science (basically) proving the Torah to believe that there is a Creator. The Big Bang Theory gets shut down just from a logical point of view. Just think of it > you cannot create anything from a bomb. Construct a small bomb, throw in a couple pieces of plastic and try to construct from that a plastic bottle. It won’t happen.
But what is the true challenge today? To take this Emunah and make it work. Turn it into action.
Turn the Emunah of Hashem who is the one controlling the world into doing Chessed because Hashem says so, into keeping Shabbat Kodesh because Hashem says so, into turning my head away from that non-Jewish woman who is wearing a piece of cloth (that is called a skirt) even in the coldest days of winter, into waking up ten minutes earlier to get to Shul on time and pray in a minyan, and on and on. There is so much to do in this world to have our time wasted away by helping some animals that need a home to stay or by wasting our time by watching a television show that will not help me become a more knowledgeable person at all! There are people who need help with learning Hebrew. There are so many Jews who do not even know the fundamentals of Jewry 101. There is so much to do.
We learn this from this weeks Parasha, Parashat Bo. Baruch Hashem Rav Meir Eliyahu shlit’a teaches in his shiur in Yerushalayim that the Egyptians after SEVEN HUGE PLAGUES that were all 100% against nature still did not turn their belief in a single G-d into action. When did this happen? After the warning of the seventh plague, the awesome lightning (that Hashem brought down with fire and water mixed together miraculously to terrorize Egypt) was going to ruin anything in the outside area of peoples’ homes. However, Moshe explained to Pharoah that whoever brings in anything from the outside indoors will not see any damage. Still the Egyptians did not listen.
We need to learn from the Holy Torah to listen! Become open minded and welcome the Torah into our hearts to change who we are. After all, do we really believe Hashem cares if we put on Tefillin or not or if we run to Shul to join a minyan or not. In the end of the day HASHEM WANTS OUR HEARTS TO WANT HIM! B’H we should all begin to work on ourselves to reach this incredible level of spirituality.

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