Tuesday, January 03, 2012

CLD #474

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
When walking out of the Kotel on the men’s side if you look to your right you see many shelves of Siddurim (prayer books). On one of the shelves today both when I had the zchut to walk into the Kotel and walk out the books were so tightly squeezed together that I had to actually force my Siddur into the pile of Siddurim.
What can we learn from this and what does this have to do with the Fast of Asarah B’tevet on Thursday?
The Yetzer Hara reminds us over and over again (and he does not forget to miss a single day) “there is no room in the religious world for you,” “there is no chance you of all people can get closer to Hashem! Are you crazy?! Look at all the Averot (sins) you have done! Just continue going with the flow of society and everything will work out. I promise.” We need to know that the zchut to enter into the world of Torah and Mitzvot is indeed out there and we need to ignore the Yetzer Hara’s claims! 
Every Jew has a chance to do Teshuva everyday and get back on track in regards to gluing oneself to Hashem, our Father in Shamayim! We are exactly like a bunch of books on a shelf. The Yetzer Hara tells us: “There is no space left for you, sorry.” And then we just give up and forget the Teshuva we wanted to make.
But we are wrong! The shelf is actually filling up and there is always room (until Mashiach comes)! Hashem does Chessed (great unimaginable kindness) with us and always gives us a chance to really change our lives and just swing into His arms with love and repentance. He stretches the shelf so we can fit, no matter how much we spiritually stink with sin.
What does this have to do with the Siege on Jerusalem that occurred over 2,000 years ago; which is the reason we fast on Thursday? A big challenge in life is to feel the pain and suffering the Shechina (Divine Presence) goes through everyday by there being no Bet HaMikdash in the world. There is a need as a Jew to feel the pain that Hashem goes through by having no home, no Bet Mikdash. We tell ourselves: “Me?! How can I out of all people feel the pain that Hashem goes through. I am so distant from Hashem. After all, when was the last time I put on Tefillin, when was the last time I listened to a Shiur Torah?” 
We need to turn around and just like the books on the shelf tell ourselves that if we try Hashem gives us a helping hand and helps us by opening our hearts to Him and just making everything so much simpler and easier.

Tzom Mo’il (have an influential fast).

It is not as difficult as the Yetzer Hara tricks you to think it is. We can do it.

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