Friday, December 23, 2011

CLD #464

For the Ilui Neshama of Avraham ben Ester ZT’L.
Baruch Hashem, its Shabbat Chanukah with a remarkable Parasha, Parashat Miketz!
This Parasha includes the famous interpretation of Pharoah’s dreams. Yosef HaTzadik was stuck in a pit (or known as ‘jail’ 3,500 years ago, imagine the conditions) for 12 years. In a matter of hours Yosef went from being in a 30 feet underground pit to wearing Royal clothing!
Why did Yosef do to have such a zchut (privilege) to come out of the pit after being enslaved by his own brothers so quickly? What is going on here? In the entire story, from the slavery up until the interpretation of the dreams, Yosef ALWAYS brings up Hashem in his life (which affects everyone else). If you look at the Psukim thoroughly you see Yosef says over and over “Not I, G-d will give an answer…” “what G-d is doing He (G-d) has told Pharoah…” “…what He has shown Pharoah” (Bereshit 41:25, 28, 32). Yosef is always bringing into his life and the lives of the people around him the RECOGNITION of HASHEM and HASHEM’s Control of this world!
We need to know that we are each special Chanukah candles to light up the world and show everyone that Hashem is the one controlling the world. And then at the right time, whether it be 22+ years (like in Yosef HaTzadik’s case) or after 6 months (like with some seminary girls who go to Israel for a semester), The person will see people changing. Just like Yosef, which after the entire story of the slavery, traveling, imprisonment, the pit, Potiphar’s wife, having a father weeping and moruning in another country, having brothers who hate you, and on and on at the end of the interpretations Pharoah said: “Since G-d has let you know all this, there is no one understanding…” (Bereshit 41:39).

Only with real faith in Hashem can someone succeed in being on the right path and INFLUENCING OTHERS. We also need to know that we were all at Har Sinai when Hashem gave the Torah to Moshe Rabbenu. This means we have the power of the Torah HaKdosha in our bones, our skin and our blood. Start influencing others and boosting that power with this Shabbat: to sing Zmirot Shabbat on the table and enjoy Oneg Shabbat Kodesh while viewing the glowing Chanukah candles!

Only with the help of Hashem we should all experience a real SHABBAT SHALOM & CHAG SAMEACH!

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