Sunday, September 25, 2011

CLD #388

For the Lyilui Nishmat of Avraham ben Ester & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara. Also for SHALOM in Eretz Yisrael!
Baruch Hashem we have the zchut to have Neshamot (souls) that make us directly connected to Him. Baruch Hashem we have such a rich way of life, Baruch Hashem we have such strong family values. And even in times of failure and difficulties, we tend to base our entire foundations on the dependence of Hashem saving us from all the evil.
Today I had the gift of another day, the gift of being with my Ima and Aba and my family. We went to the mall. Besides for the naked girls walking everywhere, we saw beautiful Jews dressed in Tzniyut and with Tzitzyot sticking out in the middle of masses of people.
Eze Kef (what a joy) is it to see Jews are still following the Torah HaKdosha. Still seeing Jews in today’s marketplace (the mall) buying luxuries and new clothes just for the Chag, for Yom Tov, for a couple of days that we take out of our lives to try to build a stronger relationship with HaKadosh Baruch Hu!
I’m phrasing it wrong, its not for a couple of days that we take out of lives, rather it’s the days of our lives. These Yamim Nora’im (the days of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Aseret Yemei Tshuva, etc.) are hours upon hours where we have the ability to reach out to Hashem not like other times throughout the year.
Here Hashem tells us: go out and buy for yourselves new things to look sharp and ready for a celebration (under the Fear of Heaven obviously)! Yes, you are being judged and you should be scared, but you need to know there is a balance to everything.
Its so strengthening to see a “check for Sha’atnez” tailor shop packed the days before Yom Tov and Rosh HaShanah because Yehudim Tzadikim want to check if their new suits have something that is not in line with our Torah HaKdosha. The Yirat Shamayim that are in the hearts of us Jews cannot be found in another nation that unites them like this unites us. Besides for ‘where I came from’ other nations and groups of people are not a single unit, they are just from the same hometown, that’s it. The Yehudim have a strength that will never EVER be annihilated, even if achmadinejad Imach Shmo tries to seek power in the world. Hashem will always protect us, however we just need to constantly push to make Him WANT to protect us. Rosh HaShanah is this week (reality check), maybe we need to just take a couple minutes and say: Thank You Hashem for today.

Rosh HaShanah is in 3 days.
Have you prepared?

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