Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CLD #363

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Binyamin ben Blanka.
The opportunity and zchut to open our hearts with the Tefillah of Selichot begins tonight after Chatzot (12:56am). Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto’s book ‘Chizuk and Hithorerrut’ (Inspiration and Awakening) is filled with Drashot and passages of Chizuk specifically for Chodesh Elul and Tishrei.
There is a beautiful Mashal (parable) that he brings down in the name of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov that explains the power of Rosh Chodesh Elul. There was once a King who rode in his carriage around the city boundaries. A simple beggar took a rock and threw it at the carriage. The servants and guards of the King quickly stopped the carriage and ran after the beggar to sentence him to death. The King quickly stopped them and explained that the beggar is just a simple man that doesn’t have a clue what the kingdom is.
The King decided to take the beggar into the kingdom for a couple days so the beggar alone will come to realize what he did. After a short time the beggar immediately came to the realization that he did a horrible act. After the king saw the sorrow and sadness in the beggar’s heart, the king had huge compassion and mercy on the beggar and brought him into the kingdom to become one of the counsel men closest to the king.
The same thing is with Chodesh Elul! It is known that Hashem comes out to the field to pull us closer to Him. Until Chodesh Elul is it very difficult to get closer to Hashem and do Tshuva, but NOW, EVEN THIS SECOND, one can accept on him/herself to get closer to Hashem and TRY to do all the Mitzvot and that person (if it is really from the depth of one’s heart) will see that EVERYTHING he/she does will be so smooth and successful.
Selichot is HERE. Tshuva is NOW. It is all up to you.
Yom Kippur is in 38 days.
Rosh HaShanah is in 28 days.
Selichot begins tonight.
Are you Ready?

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