Saturday, July 30, 2011

CLD #332

For the Lyilui Nishmat of Shahin Shmuel ben Hadassa & the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara.
Sometimes its just good to repeat the basics of Yahadut and what our role is in this world. Rav Darmoni shlit’a always tells us to ask ourselves: What am I doing in this world? Why am I here? Do I really believe in all this?
Is the Torah the truth? What does is mean to be Jewish?
Rav Lazer Brody wrote recently about all the craziness that’s been happening around the world, especially in Israel, starting with the Fogel family being massacred months ago until the recent murder of Baba Elazar Avuchatzera Zecher Tzadik VeKadosh Livracha. What can we learn from this? He explains how the problems from Bayit Sheni (The Second Beit HaMikdash), which later caused for its destruction, was Sinat Chinam (Brotherly Hatred).
Hashem is starting with our leaders, our pure examples of Yahadut to show us that we all need to wake up and see how wrong we are and break our crazy desire for satisfying OURSELVES and starting to help eachother.
Everyone knows its difficult to overcome this Yetzer Hara of breaking out of our comfort zones and accepting others, meaning being Sephardi and being able to pray in an Ashkenaz Minyan, or being Chassidish and accepting the fact that a Chozer B’Tshuva can become a big Rabbi, or wearing a black hat and accepting a Kipa Sruga (Israeli religious differences), or even just being in a community that is full of Israelis and accepting one who is Persian American, etc. The love for eachother is COMPLETELY LOST TODAY! This Hatred and discomfort needs to be wiped out immediately, and I’m DEFINITELY speaking to myself also.
Its very difficult for us Jews because we all have advanced intelligences which makes it harder to believe that we can actually be wrong, but the Torah and Hashem tell us that we need to constantly LOVE EACHOTHER!

And it begins NOW! Call up a friend you haven’t seen or heard of in a long time (or even you are currently mad at and are not speaking, or even you heard he/she is upset about something) and speak to them! Ask how they are doing!

It beings with you and it begins now. Shavua tov.

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