Monday, July 25, 2011

CLD #327

For the Refua Shlema of Mordechai Tzvi ben Sara & Moshe ben Mazal.
I had the zchut to have a meeting with Rav Amos Lubin shlit’a from Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh yesterday. We were about to begin the meeting about life and chizuk and he stops me. Because I am a chiller according to the Yeshiva world, I went to the meeting with a couple of fruits from the kitchen.
I sit down and say a bracha and Rav Amos explains to me something beautiful. He says sometimes we need to just think and dive deep into our own thoughts. What does that mean? He began to explain to me the Kdusha of Eretz Yisrael. What was I doing? I was just eating an apple. But he told me NO, you’re not eating an apple, you’re actually letting the Kdusha of Eretz Yisrael come into you.
How? We all know that Eretz Yisrael is the Chosen land by Hashem from the Torah HaKdosha and we all know that means that literally the soil is Kadosh also (holy).
This means that when one eats something that is naturally connected to the ground of a Eretz Kadosh, he/she is eating Kadosh (holiness)!!! What was I doing? Simply eating an apple. But what does the Torah and the Chochma (knowledge) of a ben Torah tell me I am doing? Taking part in the addition of Kdusha in my body!
That means that we all have a chance to have some literal holiness in us by eating Israeli Products!
B’H we should all obtain from Hashem the Da’at (ability to differentiate) of good and bad, kadosh and chol (holy and non-holy), tahor and tameh (spiritually clean and dirty), etc.

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