Wednesday, June 01, 2011


L'yilui Nishmat Avraham Ben Ester & Israel Ben Rivka.

From Ve'En Lamo Michshol:
1. Chazal say that one who eats in the Shuk [aka while on the road] is like a dog. Therefore it is not Derech Eretz to eat when one is on the way to a place ["Holech BaDerech"]. Eating in restaurants and even at tables placed on the sidewalk [in the summer] is allowed. However for Talmidei Chachamim, Rabanim, Avrechim, etc. should be cautious to eat inside restaurants to be modest.

2. When a Chacham is giving a Drasha in Bet Knesset, like in between Mincha & Arvit, the Kahal [people in the shul] should treat the Chacham with great respect by not reading a book, leaving shul during this time, smoking, or talking to one another. These things can greatly offend the Chacham and for the purpose of Derech Eretz should be prevented. 

From Yalkut Yosef:
3. The reason why the Torah commanded Yamim Tovim to be like Shabat [aka Shabbaton in Yalkut Yosef} is to rememeber the Nisim HaGdolim that Hashem did for Am Yisrael and to reveal those Nisim to the next generation. If Melacha (work, putting effort for non-Shabat/Yom Tov things) was allowed on Yom Tov, Am Yisrael would focus on parnasa and the Yom Tov would G-d forbid be forgotten. So the forbidden Melacha creates space to go to Bet Knesset and the local Bet Midrash, to listen Divrei Torah (here the Yalkut Yosef expands on this matter more thoroughly). Therefore, one should split the Yom Tov in two halves; half for Bet Knesset and Bet HaMidrash, and half for eating, drinking, and Simchat HaChag.

4. "Ochel Nefesh" (food prepared for Yom Tov) that doesn't spoil and was made the day before Yom Tov, is allowed to be made on Yom Tov. However, one should be strict and prepare Ochel Nefesh the day before Yom Tov (aka Erev Yom Tov), like cake, dried fruit, jam, jelly, etc. But if one did preapre on Yom Tov anyway, they should prepare it in a different way (for ex. a righty should use his/her left hand).

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