Friday, April 22, 2011

CLD #247

In the last couple of days we have been playing many hours of volleyball (and Baruch Hashem have also learned Torah). Yes, we can even get Chizuk from something as simple as volleyball. In this sport, which holds 6 people on each side, on sand, and with a net dividing the two teams. In order to play and win (and have fun) we need to prepare. The teams need to communicate with one another, know how to bump, set and spike before the game begins (not during, but we are Jewish so we always manage to learn everything real quick during the sport itself bli ayin hara). After everyone begins to play, we learn that without one person’s attention and desire to get into the game, the team will not move on.

The same is for this world and Yahadut in general, in order to succeed spiritually we have to have one another and work together to reach our goal of the Final Geula and the ultimate happiness. If one person, or even one tiny midah (characteristic) of a person is off (or unstable or just simply bad) then the whole team falls. All of Am Yisrael are Arevim Ze La Ze. We are all one nation, one heart.
Next time you are going to minyan try to grab a couple of your friends. DO NOT be embarrassed to pressure your friends and make them feel uncomfortable to eat Non-Kosher (obviously in a respectable way, and without G-d forbid embarrassing anyone). If we already reached a point (which is very unlikely) where we can say we have no Yetzer Hara with this Nisayon, then we should try to help eachother out with a specific matter. For example, if you have no desire whatsoever to eat Non-Kosher pizza, and you have gone through the battle of stopping and going out of your way not to get into the area of the restaurant, etc, than you should help out your friends.
B’H we will really work on our achdut (quick story: Achav the King was a complete Rasha who did Avoda Zara and the Am was acting with achdut towards one another, so they won their battles, but David HaMelech, in all his kdusha and glory, had no achdut in his dor, therefore they lost their battles!) and with one person beginning to work on his/her kdusha, a lot will follow, leading to the times of the Mashiach!

Like a lightbulb that needs a couple twists to turn on, so too with Am Yisrael, it takes only one person to start twisting, reaching ultimate light :D.

From all the heart and all the happiness (and with the help of Chaya Khalili and Shenhav Shoshani):


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