Sunday, February 20, 2011


There is a general concept in Judaism called the 'Yetzer Hara.' Rabbis often describe the Yetzer Hara as an angel, or a spiritual energy that pushes us to fall or do certain things that go against the way of Hashem. One of these things, especially for us young Jewish men in Chul/Galut/Chutz LaAretz is the abnormal drive we have to be with non Jewish girls that makes it seem that Jewish and Non-Jewish girls have the same spiritual status. This urge is abnormal because it is controlled 100% by the Yetzer Hara. The Yezter Hara does everything it can to push a Jew off the derech, making him live a life his Neshama does not want to live in. One of the ways the Yetzer Hara does this is by bringing a nonJewish girl out of nowhere into his life and giving her this idea to fall in love with this poor boy. We need to understand that all these things are simply obstacles that stop us from reaching our highest potential, our spiritual potentials. All Jews have this spot that yells at them to be good, do good, love G-d, keep shabat, stay kosher, stay holy, not go clubbing, not eating the non Kosher food, going to the shiur instead of the party, not watching tv, learning something regarding Torah, etc. At the same time, we all have this drive to run after all our body's desires, if its to run after girls, clubbing, eating non Kosher, sleep all day, be rude to other human beings; and all this is for us to push to overcome it and emulate G-d and break the Yetzer Hara's control of us and rise spiritually day by day.

In the book Ki Tetze LaMilchama, the author brings the Zohar HaKadosh that says one who sleeps with a goya (who does not have a neshama like a Yehudi has) comes back as a gilgul of a dog. There is an entire chapter dedicated to explain the stringency of being with a goya!
IF G-D FORBID ANYONE HAS THIS NISAYON B'H he will use the knowledge from the brain that Hashem gave him as it says from the tefillah: "VeAta Chonen LeAdam Da'at." And Hashem, you give man knowledge! This is regarding all laws of the Torah.

When Am Yisrael did the Chet HaEgel ( seen as Avoda Zara, which is considered one of the worst sins in the Torah), 3,000 people were killed. When Am Yisrael followed their desires to sleep with the women of Midyan (who were non-Jews), 24,000 people were killed.


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I want to delete this comment because it is on a blog that has many Divrei Torah (holy words of the Bible) that is dear to Hashem and all Jews. However, I want to show people how low humanity has become in our generation to go ahead and publicly curse out a person who just has the intention of doing good. You could easily e-mail me your opinion, or maybe even ask in an angry way what you have against me that makes me so "f-d up."

And then to go and make yourself anonymous: that is real maturity.

I hope you can think just a little bit before you post things online. What you write on the internet and on paper makes up who you are. A dirty mouth is a dirty individual and a person who is filled with sexual desires that runs after them.

Enjoy the blog and I hope you wake up one day to realize you can become a better person.

I don't think you should be pointing fingers at anyone. Maybe you should look at yourself and your own actions before you speak on such things as "how low humanity has become in our generation."

You are a part of this generation. You publicly post offensive things and put yourself above all others.

Intention of doing good? That may be a wish of yours, but it doesn't necessarily come off that way.
A good person wouldn't blog or say half of the things you do.

I don't think emailing would do any good for the public you offend with some of your posts, this being one of the many. Since you decided to go public, why shouldn't your responses be public as well?

You can't expect to not receive criticism. Don't point fingers at what maturity is. Clearly that's something you need to work on.

I hope YOU think before you post things online and the people you could hurt from it. Judging from your blog then if we're talking about how writing on the internet and on paper makes up who you are, you must be a pretty dirty individual.

Sexual desires? Ha who are you?

I hope you don't wake up one day.

Sorry didnt' finish my sentence. I hope you don't wake up one day to reaize you can becom ea better person. I hope you wake up one day and are a better person. thank you. bye i have nothing else to say.

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